7.) ANNA

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I ran threw the busy streets. I fled through the crowd of people in the market. Chocking on the scents of all the people I elbowed and ducked my way through. I past vendors and merchants. Predator and few prey. Out of the corner of my eye saw colorful scarves and jewels, baked loaves of bread, and fruit. My heart ached to be able to stop and take it in like all the people around me. Join the hustle and bustle and walk from stand to stand. Enjoying the market and not have to worry.

I pushed away the thought and hugged the cloak closer to me. I slipped between a group of loud men and hurried along dodging the tons of people. I squeaked as two young boys ran right past me. I lost my balance but caught myself on the cart beside me. I let out a relieved breath. To my horror, some goods tumbled out of the merchant cart. I looked around quickly and then began to take off again. I couldn't afford to get caught. I felt incredibly bad without helping or paying for any damaged goods but even I  knew it wouldn't be smart to do the right thing today.

"HEY! STOP RIGHT THERE!" My heart sank in my chest. I glanced behind me to see a large, burly man coming after me. I ran right into a group of people who grumbled. I quickly mumbled my apologies and pushed past them taking off into a sprint. My heart thudded in my ears. "GET BACK HERE, RAT!" I continued to push through the crowd in my panic. My eyes flitted around scanning my surroundings for an escape.

I eyed a nearby alleyway and figured it was my best bet. I slinked around the groups of people around and tumbled into the alleyway. Pressing myself against the way I tried to catch my breath. Peeking around the corner it seems like I  lost him. Sighing, I looked at my shaking hands. I clenched my hands into fists and thought of my two options.

I could continue through the market and streets, and somehow make it out of the city gates. But... by now the guards would be after me. That's what he had said. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to imagine his face. And his body... I felt me face heat. No doubt my cheeks would be colored pink. I hugged his cloak tighter around me. Thinking about him made me all warm and fuzzy for some reason. I wish he was here right now. He made me feel... safe. What am I kidding? I don't even know his name. All I know is he probably saved my life.

Hugging myself tighter I peered further into the alleyway. It had many turns and a small cobblestone road.  The space could only just about fit two people. Tucking my head, I continued along. I shrunk into myself as getting further along the alleyway. Or should I say alleyways? It grew darker and quiet. There were a few flickering lights and I started to feel smothered by the heat and moisture. Plants and vines grew along the stone wall. There were some small alcoves and doorways, but I didn't dare linger.

Hurrying along, I held my breath, as someone in a cloak passed me by. They didn't send me a glance. "And I would be smart to do the same," I grumbled to myself. Traveling a bit farther down, it seemed as if it was now very dark. Suddenly my vision grew blurry and my throat constricted. What was I even doing? I had no idea where I was going, or what I was going to do. Everything was just suddenly taken from me. Now stuck in this unfamiliar place I  didn't even know where I was going. Just away. I slouched against the grimy wall. I just wanted it all to go away.

As I felt a tear slip down my cheek I spotted a spot of bright blue. It was so beautiful. Glowing and bright in such an ugly place. I admired the bright blue flower on the vines and mossy surface. I reached out to caress one of its soft petals.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you, sweetheart." Flinching, I snatched my hand away. Spinning around I pressed my back against the wall and focused on the figure in front of me. My eyes went wide as I took him in.

He was tall. No. Not just tall, gigantic. He was muscular and towered over my small frame. He wore a plain black tank top and shorts. His muscular build was covered in black ink. He had tattoos all along his arms and some climbing up his neck into his dark black hair. It was short but long at the same time. I had to push away the urge to run my figures through it. His green eyes were bright staring at me. He tilted his head, smirking.

He reached out and pushed back the hood of my cloak before and could react and duck away. His eyebrows shot up. Tangling a strand of my hair in his large hand he asked, "What's a pretty little thing like you doing wandering around in the jungle?" He took a step closer, "You know, us predators..." I shook as he came near, while he was absolutely terrifying he also set something in me alive. "We bite." He nipped my ear.

Electricity traveled through me, as I stood ramrod straight. He suddenly let out a low growl, earning a squeak from me in return. Pulling back he looked closely into my eyes. "Mate," he grumbled out low and deep from somewhere primal inside him.

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