003- lay the table with the fancy shit

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     "American Teenager" by Ethel Cain blasted through the kitchen of Morgan and Bella's apartment as they got ready for the dinner they were hosting. Morgan had easily slipped into her hostess mode and took a trip to target to get a cute floral table cloth and pink napkins to go along with their silverware. Bella had already prepared some lasagna, steamed broccoli, fresh bread, salad, and cookies for dessert- she was determined for tonight to go perfectly.

     "I am just so excited for you and Conan to finally meet. I hope you know I talk about you all the time," Bella looked over at Morgan as the two were doing their makeup.

     "All bad things I'm sure," she giggled. "Honestly, I'm most excited to see you all nervous around your crushhhh."

      "Oh shut up! Just because I thought she was super pretty at one party does not mean I have a crush on her. I don't even know her. Plus I am not going to make things awkward with Conan and Olivia. Tonight is all about us becoming friends, and I really want to include you in that."

       "Well that's really sweet of you, B. I am all for that," She took a pause and grinned. "But I am also all for seeing you act totally stupid in front of Gracie."

       "Ok I'm going and getting changed, you're ridiculous," She flicked off her roommate as she left to go to her room.

       Bella stepped into her closet and started taking out various shirts and dresses, trying to get some options for tonight. She wanted to look good but she didn't want to seem like she was trying to hard. This was supposed to be fun, casual- not the met. She decided on a purple top and some low rise blue jeans.

      "B, does this look okay?" Morgan called from her bedroom. Bella stepped out of her closet and made her way over to her roommate.

"Omg Morgan, I love it!" The blonde complimented her friends outfit- a white corset-ish top and black skirt. "Okay, I think they should be getting here any minute, where's our lighter?" Morgan raised a brow at her friend, who sighed and said, "For the candles, dumbass."

"Hey, who am I to judge! They're in the cabinet above the trash can." She pointed towards their kitchen. Bella walked over and grabbed the lighter, and as she was lighting the various scented candles around their apartment they heard a knock at the door.

Bella took a deep breath and opened their apartment door. "Hey guys!" She immediately engulfed Conan in a hug before stepping back and letting the three walk through the entry way. "I'm so glad y'all could make it. Conan, Olivia, Gracie," Morgan bit back a smile as she saw Bella's cheeks immediately redden, "this is Morgan."

"I'm so glad to meet you Morgan!" Conan grinned.

"Me too, I just wish it could've been without the old ball and chain here," Olivia faked sighed and slung her arm around Conan, who immediately fake gasped and shrugged her arm off.

Gracie softly smiled at the two roomates and locked eyes with Bella, who quickly look away. "Alright, well the foods ready if y'all wanna go ahead and sit down. I hope you like the tablecloth I thought it was so cute."

"Ugh I'm obsessed with you Bella, you're the cutest," Olivia giggled.

"It's super pretty," Gracie looked up and smiled at Bella.

"Thank you," Bella cleared her throat. "What would like to drink? We have wine, sweat tea, lemonade," she called out with her head in the fridge.

"Ooo can I have an arnold palmer?" Conan asked.

"I have been trying to get Morgan on that train forever! Oh my god it's so nice to have someone with taste around here!" Bella's face lit up as she turned around.

What If You're My Weakness? / GRACIE ABRAMSWhere stories live. Discover now