Chapter One

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"Happy Birthday Autumn!" Everyone screams as I blow out the candles on my double layer chocolate cake

I'm seventeen today.

"Don't think you grown little girl" My mom says in a playful yet serious tone, putting emphasis on little.

"Leave that girl alone" My aunt Loretta tells her.

She's my mom's younger sister.

"Worry about your own child" My mom replies in a shady tone.

"Okay that's enough you two" My grandma chimes in, ending the conversation before it starts..

I stand awkwardly as my mom cuts my cake, giving me the first slice.

"Thank you" I smile.

"You're welcome baby" My mom continues to cut my cake for the other party guest.

"Is the party over ? Can we go to the mall now?" Lashay asks, sounding annoyed.

She's my aunt Loretta's daughter and also my favorite cousin. We're more like sisters..

"Yeah can we?" I ask my mom with pleading eyes.

I never get to go anywhere except school and church. This is the first time my mom is allowing me to go anywhere remotely fun.

"Yes but don't be out past 6pm, we have church in the morning" My mom tells me.

I nod, assuring her that I'll be back on time "Okay"

I sit my half eaten cake on the kitchen counter.

"Let's go" I tell Lashay

A few family members tell me happy birthday again as I'm leaving the house and I give them all a warm thank you..

"Finally, we out of there" Lashay twerks as soon as we touch the porch.

I grab her arm "Girl stop before somebody sees you" I tell her, forcing her to stand upright.

She laughs and we walk across the street sitting at the bus stop.

"How much birthday money did you get?" Lashay asks me while texting on her iphone.

I don't have a phone. My mom won't let me have one.

"$120 total" I tell her.

"Okay now let's use that to get you a phone" She replies with a devious smile, rubbing her hands together like bird man.

I scrunch my face up at her "Why so my mom can find it and kill me?"

Lashay rolls her eyes "I'm glad my mama ain't like yours"

"Be very glad, aunt Loretta and my mom are polar opposites" I tell her.

She nods "Which is crazy since they grew up together"

The sound of screeching tires causes us to simultaneously look left.

A black Audi truck speeds by..

"They driving like the police after them or something" Lashay says as we watch the car disappear into the distance.

The city bus pulls up, stopping in front of us.

I get on first, Swiping my monthly bus pass before finding a seat.


"That lady on the bus smelled like straight piss" Lashay says fanning her face dramatically as we enter the mall.

"What store do you want to go in first?" Lashay asks as I look around the giant shopping center.

"Forever 21" I tell her.

"Okay, I think it's that way" She replies pointing straight ahead.

We begin to walk..

"Ahhhh!" Lashay yells excitedly while jumping up  and down clutching her phone.

"What?" I ask confused.

"You know Quincy from school?" Lashay asks.

I nod "What about him?"

"He's at the food court and wants me to come chill with him" She tells me smiling from ear to ear.

I roll my eyes "Go ahead" I tell her as she's clearly waiting for my approval.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'll be at the food court when you're done shopping" She says giving me a big hug before running off to the food court.

She's so boy crazy..

Once she's out of sight I continue walking.

"I hope I'm going the right way" I say to myself as I pass a bunch of retail booths..

"Try this perfume" a guy at one booth says attempting to spray it on me but I quickly move out of the way.

I continue walking "No thank you"

Those people are always trying to make a sale..

I continue walking and I finally stumble upon forever 21.


"Now to find Lashay" I say to myself as I leave forever 21.

I bought one new top, two purses and a pair of shoes.

I decided to save the rest of my money for some yummy lunch at the food court.

I begin to walk in the direction of the food court when someone says my name barely above a whisper causing me to stop.

"Autumn" I hear it again..

I start to look around the busy mall when I notice a grey haired, older lady in a retail booth staring directly at me.

I swallow a lump in my throat before walking over to her..

"Excuse me, did you say my name?"

She looks at me in confusion before speaking "No, I did not"

Her voice sounds identical to the one I heard say Autumn..

I start to notice details about her booth. She has a stack of funny looking cards and a bunch of crystals laid out everywhere.

"Do you want a reading?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"Um- No thanks" I answer sounding unsure even though I'm completely sure.

I don't believe in all that stuff, my mom says it's witch craft, Besides it's probably a scam. She just wants to make a quick buck.

"Spirit says I need to give you a reading. Free of charge!" She says causing me to stop as I walk away.

I don't know why but I turn around...

- I hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter. Thank you all for reading !

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