Chapter Five

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"Thank you, for the food and the ride" I tell Fats as Lashay and I get out of his car.

"You're welcome baby girl" Fats replies causing me to blush.

Baby girl ?

Is he crazy ?

"See you tomorrow" He says with a cocky smirk on his face.

He speeds off in his challenger before I can say another word.

Lashay looks at me with a smirk.

"What?" I ask mean mugging her.

"See you tomorrow" She mocks Fats.

"How long have you been seeing him? I want all the details" Lashay says taking a sip of her drink as we walk across the street.

I had Fats drop us off around the corner from my house so my mom wouldn't see me getting out of his car.

"Seeing him? I'm not seeing him" I scoff

"Mmhmm" Lashay says pressing her lips together, not believing me.

I roll my eyes.

"I'm actually proud of you, my girl finally living a little" Shay continues.

I ignore her and we walk into the house.

She always comes over after school until aunt Loretta comes to picks her up.

We walk through the living room and swiftly into my room..

"So back to Fats" Lashay says in a gossiping tone while beginning to eat her wing stop.

I don't respond.

I have nothing to say about him, literally.

"So you just not gone say nothing?" Lashay asks.

"You know I'm nosy, give me something" She pleads.

I laugh lightly "There's nothing to give"

"How did you meet him?"

I sigh before speaking.

"I missed the first bus this morning and while I was waiting on the second one he pulled up and offered me a ride" I tell her completely leaving out the fact that I saw him murder somebody..

"Happy?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

She squeals "Omg that's so cute, what if y'all get married?"

I squint my eyes at her..

She's so boy crazy it's insane.

"You going too far now" I tell her "and stop yelling before my mom hears you"

"I'm for real, what if he's your true love?" Lashay says causing my eyes to widen.

True love ?

The hoodoo lady from the mall, Mrs Nishi told me that I'd be finding my true love this week..

What if ?

Nah, I don't believe in that psychic reading crap. I believe in God, Jesus Christ and neither of them would pair me with a murderer.

"Autumn" Lashay yells bringing me out of my thoughts.

I blink rapidly

"You were zoned out for a second. I said your name like three times" Shay says biting into a lemon pepper wing.

Before I can speak there's a knock at my room door.

"Autumn the detectives are here to speak with you" My mom says opening my room door before I could say come in..

"When did y'all have time to stop by wing-stop?" My mom asks looking at our food.

Lashay quickly comes up with a lie "I had Uber eats meet us here"

"Oh okay" My mom says sounding like she doesn't really believe it but without proof what can she do ?

"I'll be right back" I tell Lashay as I leave the room with my mom closing the door behind me.

I see detective Martinez and his partner detective Wright standing in my living room dressed like the men in black.

"Hi Autumn, we hate to interrupt your day but we have a few more questions" Detective Martinez says as we sit on the couch.

I notice he's holding a beige folder in his hand.

I swallow a nervous lump in my throat "Okay"

He opens the folder and begins to spread out about eight different pictures on the living room table, pictures of men.

I scan the photos when my eyes land on a picture of Fats..

"Do any of these people look familiar to you?" Detective Martinez questions interlocking his fingers together.

I shake my head.

"Take your time" Detective Wright tells me, using his index finger and thumb to rub the bushy black mustache above his top lip.

I scan the photos again.

"Maybe he looks familiar" I point at some random guy.

"But not from the crime scene, I didn't get a good look at the shooters face only the black car" I lie through my teeth while rubbing my thigh.

Detective Martinez and Detective Wright simultaneously look at each other with an unreadable expression on both their faces..

"How about him?" Detective Martinez asks.

He uses his index finger to slide the picture of Fats closer into view.

I shake my head "Nope"


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