Chapter 12: Collateral Damage

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Oil and Grease sat between an abandoned gas station and an empty parking lot in Clarkton

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Oil and Grease sat between an abandoned gas station and an empty parking lot in Clarkton. The auto repair shop bore white walls  covered in graffiti and layers of year-old dirt.

"Jeremiah, do you remember the plan?" Rowena asked, adjusting the tinted glasses perched on her nose.

Jeremiah nodded. "Get information on Moises, Jasmine's son, to clear your grandmother from being a murder suspect."

Jeremiaha pulled into a parking space. Rowena exited the car and walked to the building's entrance.

"Can I help you?" A lanky gray-haired man wearing white overalls asked. He turned his head and spit out a wad of tobacco with a cough. A patch on the breast of his overalls had the name 'SAM' written in it.

"I was hoping to speak with Moises," Jeremiah said. "He fixed my car last time and it's starting to act up. He said he'd give me a discount."

Sam cursed before turning his head to one of the empty bays. "Mo, get your ass out here! These people say you're offering discounts again!" He turned back to Rowena and Jeremiah. "That boy is always giving out discounts to make up for all the trouble he causes. I swear he's going to put me out of business."

"We may have misremembered," Jeremiah offered.

Sam scoffed, spit out another wad of tobacco, and yelled for Moises to come out.

A heavy man in his forties with olive skin and a shaved head came jogging forward while holding his left arm and slightly limping. He had a black left eye and a bruise on his lower right cheek. "What's the trouble, Sam?"

Wasting no time, Sam asked, "Mo. Did you give these people a discount? I told you before if you did it again, you'd be fired."

Mo's eyes widened. He lifted his right arm and said, "No way, Sam. I swear I didn't."

"You're always at those gambling places and borrowing money from who knows where. I don't say much when you come in banged up the way you do as long as you can fix cars. Mo, I'm tired of your nonsense." Sam glared at Jeremiah. "Did he borrow money from you and fail to pay it back?"

"Sam, I swear I stopped giving discounts to people I owe money to." Mo pointed to Rowena and Jeremiah. "I've never seen these people in my life!"

Just as Rowena thought about wading in, a black SUV drove up. Moises paled and cursed under his breath. "Sam, I gotta go."

"Are you trying to leave work early?" Sam hissed.

Four large men who could have been mistaken for professional wrestlers, came barreling out of the vehicle wearing black suits. They all wore sunglasses.

"Those are loan shark goons," Jeremiah whispered to Rowena.

Goon One pointed at Mo. "You've been hiding from us, Moises."

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