Chapter 22: Rowena's Plans

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Rowena and Cross sat in his truck across from Happy Trails Nursing home. Also in the parking lot, sat an unmarked van where Liam, Matt, and Hector were listening in to the bugs Jeremiah had installed in the nursing home.

The plan was to have Rowena interview their list of suspects.

"Tell me again. How did Jeremiah get hired at Happy Trails?" Cross asked.

Rowena sighed. "He said the owner owed him a favor. Apparently, Pamela Wells needs arm candy once in a while but doesn't like to  pay full price. I told Jeremiah escorts shouldn't give discounts, but he didn't listen."

Cross grabbed Rowena's hand. "Promise me if we ever have kids, we won't let them be escorts."

"No way. What if our kid has dreams of being the next pretty woman like Julia Roberts?"

Cross frowned. "I'm rich. They'd be the Richard Gere character, not the Julia Roberts one."

Rowena stared at him thoughtfully before nodding. "You're kind of right.  Not that I plan on having kids soon."

"Rowena, we talked about this," Cross groaned.

Rowena hid a smile. "What? We did?"

He nodded. "We did."

"You just said even with protection, there's always a chance of conceiving, and we need to be ready for that." Cross clutched the steering wheel. "What if you get pregnant?"

"What if I don't? You're worrying too much."

Cross sat back and closed his eyes. "It's a very real possibility."

Rowena shrugged. "One time, when I was hiding out in a convent, Sister Agnes told me abstinence was the only guarantee of not conceiving. Unless you were Mary, the mother of Jesus."

Cross opened his eyes and jerked forward. "You once hid out in a convent? Why"

"It was the only place the Russian mob wouldn't look for me."

Cross blinked slowly. "I'm not sure I should ask anymore questions."

Rowena patted his hand. "It's probably for the best that you don't."

"Rowena, if we have children, you'll need to be more careful."

She nodded. "If I somehow get pregnant, I will. No more murder investigations. Probably. Maybe. Well, I make no promises. Hopefully, I won't get pregnant any time soon."

Cross frowned. "You don't want to get pregnant?"

"Not right now. We're in the middle of a murder investigation, and I'm part vampire."

Cross nodded. "It's possible you could still get pregnant, even if we're both using protection."

"Yes, I know. I'm prepared for that. Plus, donating blood makes you really excited."

Cross looked away as his cheeks turned a soft shade of pink.

"Would you join our pack as my Luna if you do became pregnant? It's okay if you say no. I learned my lesson after Banks made you a vampire. Don't make decisions for Rowena."

Rowena chuckled and squeezed his hand lightly. "If I become pregnant, I'll think about it. If I don't ever get pregnant and we don't find someone to turn me back into a human, would you still accept me as a Luna?"

"Definitely. Pack laws are meant to be broken," Cross whispered.

Rowena smiled and leaned forward, pressing her lips against his cheek. "Even if I don't get pregnant, I'd like to be part of your pack, Cross. I made a decision after I became a vampire."

"Is that so?" He asked, curling their fingers together.

Rowena nodded. "I figured you owed me for calling Banks to turn me into a vampire."

"I just wanted to keep you alive, baby," Cross whispered.

"I know." Rowena pulled his palm to her mouth and kissed it before slightly nicking his skin and kissing it again.

Cross almost purred. "So, what decision did you make, baby?"

Rowena beamed up at him. "I'm keeping you."

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