Why Can't It Be?

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There's Oliver, with flowers in hand. He is standing at the door. Just standing there, nervously. He's wearing a suit and tie, which had been ironed and accompanied by an Azalea in his front pocket. He's finally going on a date with his longtime crush, Alison. They've been friends since elementary, and still best friends up to now. But out of the blue, Alison asked him out on a date. Which wasn't normal for the shy timid girl he came to adore. But he wasn't going to say no to her. And now, here he is... standing at her front door... too scared to knock.

Luckily, he didn't have too, the front door shoots open. And there she is, Alison, in all her beauty. She had her caramel hair, half up and down with a cute white bow, the ends being curled. Her face round and freckled, and her eyes being a deep chocolate brown that always complemented her too well. She was wearing a rosy, pink dress, with heels and a purse. She was absolutely breathtaking; Oliver didn't realize she was speaking to him until she had a worried look in her eyes. "Oli? Are you alright? You seem a bit pale, do you need to sit down?" She asked, worriedly. "I'm alright Ali, you just are so beautiful." She blushes at the comment, making Oliver smile. "So, are you ready for our date?" Oliver asks. Alison responds with a tight nod and a smile. And with that they both make their way to Oliver's car. Oliver opens the door for Alison, earning a giggle from her.

They make their way to the local diner they both love. They quickly get seated by the hostess and begin their first even date. Oliver is extremely nervous, with his sweaty palms. He tries to make lighthearted conversation. But it ends up failing and making things awkward. For some time, they just sit in silence, looking anywhere but at each other. Oliver thought "Come on Oliver! Girl of your dreams is right here on a date with you, and you are totally bombing it! Crap I need to think of something to say... Oh! Ask her abou-" "Oli do you like me?" Alison blurted it out. He froze, both shocked and not knowing how to respond.

Taking too long Alison says "I'm sorry I didn't mean to put you out there like that. I understand if you don't and just wanted to be nice by going on this date with me." "Alison I've loved since I met you" he blurted out. Now it was time for Alison not knowing how to respond. "Look Ali, I've had feelings for you since the 2nd grade. And as we've become closer, so have my feelings for you have grown. You are such an amazing person. But I've felt like you haven't felt the same for me. That's why I've kept quiet, because I don't want to lose you" Oliver said. Then silence, Oliver looked at her face to find an reaction, an answer, fuck something at least!

"Oli, I've liked you for a while now. But I just felt like if I said anything it would have ruined our friendship. But now, I want more than that. I want you; I want to be a part of your life." Alison said. "Ali you have no idea how happy I am to hear those words come out of your mouth. And I knew this might be blunt but... will you be my gir-" "No" Alison cuts him off. Oliver heart drops into his stomach, it feels like a deep pit of despair. "I- um... why?" Oliver asks, scared to know.

"Oli, I'm going down a path that you shouldn't be a part of. I asked you here so I could tell you everything, lay every out on the table and tell you my goodbyes." "What do you mean goodbyes?" Oliver asks with a harsh tone. "I'm ending our friendship" Alison replies with a shiver in her voice. "Ending our friendship? What the hell you mean? We've been friends for years! I've been there for you so many times. And then all the sudden you wanna just drop me like that?" Oliver says, becoming angry. "Oli it's not like that, I'm just trying to what's best for yo-" "What's best for me? Alison I just told you I'm madly in love with you and you think its best that you tear you away from me? Alison, you're the reason my heart beats. You are my lungs helping me breathe. God damnit I love you so much it hurts." Oliver says. Alison stays quiet, looking down. Not wanting him to see the pain stinging tears in her eyes.

"Fine. Come on let's go, I will drop you off back home" Oliver says, standing up. "Oli please it's not lik-" "I said its fine, I will be in the car waiting" Oliver says, storming off. Alison sits there... her mind racing... Her heart throbbing. She stands up, slowly walking out of the diner. She sees him sitting in the car, his face emotionless. She opens the car door, sitting inside, before shutting the door. He immediately starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot. The beginning of the car ride in mostly silence. Until "Look Oli I'm sor-" "I already said it's fine" "Oli please just let me explain!" "Explain? Explain what? How you don't want to be with me in a relationship or how you don't even want to be my friend anymore? Oh, it's probably how you don't want to be held back by me right?" "Oli please sto-" "Stop? Stop telling the truth? Why? Cause the truth hurts? Well too bad, maybe you should have thought about that before you made me fall in love with you!" Oliver says first in a calm tone before getting louder and harsher.

The car finally stops in front of Alison's house. She doesn't move to leave, instead she is facing down her hair covering her face. "We are here, you can leave now." Oliver says. No reply... "Alison" he says with a warning tone. No reply... "Alison!" He yells at her. She finally looks up at him, with tears streaming down her face. Oliver stays quiet now, he's heart aching for making her cry. "I wish things could have been different Oli. In another world we would end up and have a family together." "Why does it have to be this way?" Oliver asks with tears in his eyes.

...To Be Continued

"Why?" Short Sad Romance StoryWhere stories live. Discover now