The Bad Ending

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"It just has to be this way Oli, I'm sorry" Alison says. "Fine" Oliver spits. And with that she gets out of the car and shuts the door. He drives off, not even waiting for her to get inside her house. His mind is just racing, filled with so much pain and anger. He races home, once he walks through the door, he can hear his mom in the kitchen. "Oliver is that you? How did your date go!" She asks excitedly. Oliver ignores her walking past her and straight to his room. "Oliver?" She yells after him. Oliver still ignores her, slamming his bedroom door shut so hard it shook the house. Oliver's mother left him alone for the rest of the night. And for the rest of the night, Oliver cried.

6 months later

Oliver's POV

I wake up around noon, like I usually do. Ugh, another horrible day. I can hear my mom yelling my name. I get up from my bed, walking to the kitchen. My mom is in the dining room, sitting at the table. "Come here and sit down," My mom says. I listen to her and sit at the table, across from her. "I need to tell you something" My mom says, and now that I look at her face, it looks like she's been crying. But then again, she cried over anything, it's so annoying. "Look if it's about a famous actor that died I don't wanna hea-"

"Alison's parents just stopped by" I stiffened, hearing her name. "What did they want?" I ask with a harsh tone. My mother clears her throat. "Yesterday at 4:23, Alison passed away" My heart stops... "What the hell do you mean passed away?!" I scream. Then I feel it...the tears... I hadn't even noticed I was crying. "She was diagnosed with cancer 6 months ago. And the doctors knew she wouldn't make it through chemo. So, she was put on hospice" My mother continued saying something.

But I couldn't hear. I couldn't think. Fuck I couldn't breathe. Alison is gone... The Alison I loved so much... The Alison I still loved... is gone forever. My mother snapped me from my thoughts. "And she wrote you a letter before she passed..." She said, handing me an envelope with my name on it... in Alison's handwriting.

Without a word, I grab the envelope and run to my room, slamming the door. I don't even make it too my bed before I break down. No... No... NO NO NO. Fuck I've never felt so much pain in my life. Why didn't she tell me. Fuck My Ali is gone... I didn't even get to say goodbye. Alison no... please don't leave me. FUCK why why why did you leave me. My Alison. She's gone... and all I have left of her is this letter...

I throw the envelope at the wall. I walk to my bed, throwing myself on to it. And I drift into a numbly sleep. I sleep for days. I only wake up to pee. I don't eat or shower. After the 5th day, my mom forces me to eat. I ended up puking after. Finally on the 7th day, I get the courage to open the letter. I open up the envelope, making sure to not rip any of her handwriting. I open the letter... It reads...

To My Oli

From Alison

Hi Oli, it's been a while since we've talked. I know we didn't leave on such a good note. But I'm writing to you because I don't have much time left. It's been harder to move, and the doctors say I have a week at most left. But that's not what I am here to say. Oliver Johnson, I love you so so much. I'm sorry we couldn't be together. I didn't want to put you through all this pain. And I thought if I cut contact with you, it would make it better for you. And I hope it does. And if things were different, I would have screamed yes to being your girlfriend. We would go on so many dates, you would always bring me flowers. We would have cute couple arguments, like where we would eat. We would move in together in a little cramped apartment. Then eventually getting married and having a family. I want all of it Oliver. I want to be with you Oliver. I want to grow old with you. But sadly, that won't happen. Maybe in another world, it could have been true. But not in this one, and I'm sorry. I love you so much Oliver, I love you so much it hurts. And a part of me is mad at you for making me fall madly in love with you. Fuck I LOVE YOU OLIVER. And maybe one day we can meet in the afterlife and be together forever.

, Love Alison

And at that moment my heart completely bursted.

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