The Good Ending

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"Oli I'm going to go down a path that I don't want to put you through" Alison says. "I don't care what I have to be put with, Ali I want to be with you no matter whatever fucking path you go through" "Oli trust me you don't" "Alison whatever happens I want to be right by your side" "Really?" "Yes, really Ali..." he says softly, wiping her tears away. "Oli, I got some really big news..."

6 months later...

Oliver's POV

Here I am again... Standing at her front door with her favorite flowers, only this time I'm not nervous. I knock on the door and wait. It doesn't take long for her father to open the door. He looked bad, with his sullen eyes and graying hair. I greet him asking how he was. He always replied the same, tired and hungry. He lets me in, and I head straight to my Ali room.

 Once I make it into her bedroom, I see her. Gosh she still looked so beautiful. "Hello darling" I say, to be met with her beautiful chocolate brown eyes. "Hi sweetie" she says with a slight smile on her face. I walk up to her bed and kiss her cheek. I set her flowers on her nightstand, with the others. "How are you feeling darling?" I ask her. "I feel tired," she says, yawning. "" Well, isn't this weather nic-" 

"Oli you know it's time..." she says in a quiet tone. My heart aches, knowing she's right. "Can I have my goodbye kiss?" She asks her lips quivering. I take one final breath. I press my lips to hers; God I always love the feel of her lips on mine. I deepen the kiss, wanting more of her. I ignore the sound of her heart flatline. I kiss her more, not wanting to let her go. Finally, the kiss is broken when a sob rips through me. 

My final kiss with my Ali, when my heart completely bursted. 

Goodbye my love, I hope someday we can meet again.

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