Chapter 141: Downcast

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Sora stirred his soup. His appetite now gone after everything that happened. He slowly pushed his bowl over to Keyne.

"Sweetheart, are you not hungry?" Keyne asked.

"Not really. You can have it. We shouldn't waste food."

"Sweetheart, you need to eat."

"I'll eat later."

Keyne was worried about Sora. He had been, to put it bluntly, unstable.

"Is this because Sora hasn't been keeping up with his schedule?" Keyne wondered as he quickly ate both their meals.

Sora noticed Old Lady Merryn walking over. Uneasy about talking to her, he stood up and headed for the door.


"I'll wait for you outside." Sora announced before disappearing out the door. Keyne was now left alone at the table.


"Where did everyone go? Did they leave because... I don't mean to be rude but did your husband say something to upset them?"

"My husband is a good man." Keyne declared.

"The way he spoke to Genevieve was..."

"My husband has done nothing wrong." Keyne said. He was annoyed at how Old Lady Merryn was judging Sora.

"He made her cry. What type of man makes a woman cry?" Old Lady Merryn said.

"She's claiming to be pregnant with my baby." Keyne angrily revealed. He wasn't happy with how Old Lady Merryn was assuming Genevieve was innocent.

"You and Genevieve are having a baby? That's wonderful."

"It's a lie. I've never touched her." Keyne rebuked.

"Why would she lie?"

"Does it matter? She lied. My husband and I have every right to be upset." Keyne said. Not wanting to continue discussing things with her Keyne gave her the money for lunch and quickly left to find Sora.


"We need to go to the Adventurers Guild. I have to apologize and pay for the damages." Sora said when Keyne walked over.

"You don't need to pay anything. I've already paid it."

"I caused the damage. I should pay for it. Tell me how much it cost. I'll take it out of my earnings from the shop." Sora said.

"Sweetheart, I should be paying for it. You did it because I hurt you."

"It doesn't matter why I did it. I have to take responsibility for my actions. Let's go." Sora insisted with a determined look in his eyes. Keyne followed behind him. He could tell Sora was becoming more and more stressed.

"After we finish dealing with the judge I can take him to the lake for a swim. No, it's too cold to swim in the lake. Maybe he'd liked to go to the spice shop?" Keyne continued trying to think of things he could do to help relieve Sora's stress.


They soon reached the Adventurers Guild. Walking in the young guild clerk they dealt with the previous day was walking by.

"Sir, are you here to blow off some steam again?" The young woman asked with a gentle smile. Sora couldn't help but blush in response.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted yesterday. It was inappropriate." Sora said with remorse. The clerk smiled back without judgement.

"Is Guild Master John here?" Keyne asked. He decided to use the Guild Master's easygoing attitude to help convince Sora that there was nothing wrong with the way he acted the day before.

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