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The flight lasted three hours. I tried to stay awake, but my eyes burned with exhaustion. I didn't trust Karter but my eyes wouldn't stay open. I yawned, though I tried to stifle it with my hand.

"Sleep, kid," he mumbled, slouching. "I won't hurt you."

I yawned again. "I'm not tired."

"Sure you're not."

"Maybe just an hour?"

"Whatever your heart desires."

Three hours later, the harsh landing woke me. Karter jerked awake too, cursing like a sailor. "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" I asked, teasing.

He rolled his eyes and stood, gesturing for me to stand up. "Come on, we've got to get a move on. At this rate, we've only got a few hours before the FBI figures out you're in New York."

"Great. Let's get going then," I said, grabbing my backpack and headed to the stairs. Karter followed close behind. We trampled down the plane steps, trudging to the black Bronco that waited for us on the runway.

"Hey, Billy, this is Amelia," Karter introduced me to the lanky, middle aged man leaning on the passengers side door.

I raised an eyebrow. "My name is Alayna-"

"And right now, it's Amelia." Karter glared, willing me to shut up. He flicked his eyes over to Billy and I caught on.

"Ah, right. Oops."

I got into the backseat with Karter. Billy put in an address and I stared out the window, happy to be in New York.

"So, your brother is working with the FBI to bring you in?"


"Don't you consider that betrayal?"

"No, not really. I know that he's trying to keep me safe and this is how he's chosen to do it. I can't blame him for that."

"We'll be there in about twenty minutes," Billy announced. The closer we got, my heart pounding in my chest, I couldn't help but feel a mix of trepidation and hope.

"It's the burgundy one," Karter stated, as Billy pulled to a stop at the corner of the street. "We'll be here, kid, take as long as you need."

I got out of the car, pulling my hood up. Karter gave me a soft smile before I shut the door and began the walk to the townhouse.

Approaching the burgundy townhouse, its majestic presence commanded my attention. My slow pace to the door mirrored my emotions. Each step up the worn stone stairs felt like a step closer to the truth, closer to the mother I thought I had lost forever.

With trembling hands, I reached for the doorknob, my mind flooded with memories of a childhood shattered by loss. I reached up to knock but lowered my hand again. I shook off my anxiousness and reached up to knock, part of me hoping she wasn't home.

No one answered. I knocked again, calling out:

"Hello?" I called out tentatively, my voice barely above a whisper. Moments stretched into eternity as I waited, my heart pounding in my ears. "It's me, mom. It's me, Alayna. Are you there?"

And then, the sound of footsteps approached from within the house. The door swung open, revealing a woman whose face bore the unmistakable resemblance of shock. It was my mother, alive and breathing, her eyes filled with a mix of surprise and joy.

"Alayna?" she gasped, her voice choked with emotion. "Is it really you? God, look at the beautiful young woman you're becoming."

I couldn't help it, tears streamed down my face as I nodded, unable to find my voice. Without hesitation, she pulled me into a tight embrace, holding me as if she never planned to let go.

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