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"What do you want to eat, Alayna Grace?" Jaden ducked down, glancing at me through the drivers side window.

"Cheeseburger and fries. Coke. And apple pie if they have any."

He chuckled. "Okay. I'll be right back ... don't you two even think about taking my jeep." He glared at me before taking off in the direction of the diner, Tommy's.

"We should leave him," I said as soon as he entered the diner. Reid snapped his head back, narrowing his eyes. 

"Alayna, he's here to-"

"Help. Yada yada yada."


"I'm serious, Reid. Do you think if they catch me they're not going to take you and Jaden in for questioning? You know you'll be arrested and fuck, charged with helping me, a criminal."

"Enough, Lannie. You are not a criminal."

"You have no idea what I've done to survive the last six months, Reid. How much I've stolen. I ... I knocked out a man and left him in an alleyway," I closed my eyes, that night had been one of the worst. "You don't know, okay? You just don't know."

"I know that I haven't been able to keep you safe for the last six months, Lannie, but I will now. I don't know what you've gone through but I'm going to listen when you're ready to talk. Most importantly, I know you know Jaden and you know he's ready to protect you like I am."


"Alayna, please let us help you."

"Reid, it's -"

"I'm not leaving. Jaden is staying. And if you run again, I will call Caelan." His voice held a finality in it that I knew would be no point in arguing. "I swear, Alayna. I'll -"

"Will you shut up for a second? Listen." I snapped and leaned over the armrest to turn the radio up.

"... Ramsey was spotted in New York Friday evening, an FBI spokesperson said," the reporter spoke, "she is wanted on charges for murder, resisting arrest, and obstruction of justice. Ramsey is 5'6, dark brown hair, and may be traveling with two unknown men. If you have any information, please contact your local FBI department."

"Shit," Reid slammed a palm down on the dash.

I fell back into the seat, glancing at the diner as Jaden walked out, two paper brown bags in his hands. My stomach growled but I ignored the hunger and glanced back at my brother. "I can't go home, Reid. I can't - it's not safe."

He was quiet for a moment. "I know, Alayna."

"What ... what am I going to do?"

Reid sighed. "I don't know. We'll figure it out though, okay?"

I nodded but a sense of looming dread began to hang over me.


We made it to Los Angeles in twelve hours, the run rising. Reid and Jaden took turns driving as I pretended to sleep in the backseat. I couldn't sleep. I hadn't slept since the we'd been on the train.

The voices were getting stronger and louder, even with the medication Reid had swiped from my bedroom back in Seattle. I couldn't keep the bad ones out and they were always there, whispering and laughing.

Someone shook my arm, bringing me out of the daze, and Reid appeared in front of me. "Alayna," he murmured, helping me out of the car,  "we're here."

I glanced around him. I sighed. "We're at a motel."

"You need to clean up a little."

"You smell, no offence," Jaden commented behind Reid. I glared at the side of his head, reaching out to pinch his arm. "Ouch, you little brat."

Reid blocked him as he reached to retaliate. My brother pulled me towards the corridor of motel rooms.


Jaden pulled up to a large house on an empty street in a suburb. "Is she home, do you think?" I asked, pulling on my hair, anxious.

"Yeah. It's eight in the morning."

"What if she calls the police?"

"She won't. Trust me," Reid murmured and the three of us got out, standing on the sidewalk.

"You can do this," Jaden encouraged, nudging my arm. "If she's a total bitch? Knock her out. What's one more charge to the list."

I scoffed. "Easy for you to say since you're not wanted for murder."

"I'm going to murder you both if you don't quit bickering," Reid snapped from behind us, leaning on the hood of Jaden's jeep. He softened his eyes a little. "Alayna, if you're not ready, we can come back tomorrow."

I almost took the offer but instead shook my head, glancing at the house, aware of my heart thrumming in my ears. "I have to do this today."

"We'll wait here," my brother said, running a hand through his hair. "Alayna, I'm warning you. She's not going to take you being here."

"I know. I'll be okay."

I broke away from them and walked towards the porch of the modern house, straightening my plaid shirt and then patting any stray hair that had been whipped around in the wind. Jaden had packed me some of my clothes from his and Reid's apartment when he left to find us, which I appreciated.

Reaching the door I lifted my hand to knock when it opened. A young man with dark brown hair appeared in front of me, his blue eyes widening when he laid eyes on me.

"Alayna?" He breathed, recognition sinking into his eyes.

"Uh, yeah? Who are you?"

"I'm Elliot. Your brother."


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