C206: The Turk Master Archers!

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No one knew what was happening. This was the Kunwu Training Camp; it was just a short distance away from Great Tang’s capital, Chang’an. Not to mention, it had Imperial Army members from the royal court standing guard here.

But Zhao Qianqiu’s response was no lie. The arrow that struck Chi Weisi was no lie. And the cries of agony from the Imperial Army guards tumbling down the mountain was no lie either.

Without a doubt, this wasn’t a test that Zhao Qianqiu had prepared for them. This was a real enemy attack!

“Careful! Stay away from the windows!”

Without much time to think, Wang Chong bellowed loudly. He swung his sword at the oil lamp, and pu, the wick was cut, and the entire room plunged into darkness.

Xiu xiu xiu!

At the same moment, the terrifying sound of something sharp tearing through space sounded. But this time, it wasn’t just a single one—more than a dozen arrows whizzed through the windows.

Xiu! One of them brushed by Wang Chong’s head. The powerful wind pressure from the arrow left his hair standing on end. It felt as though he had just had a close brush with the God of Death.

Boom boom boom!

At the same time, a deafening rumble sounded behind Wang Chong. Ten arrows struck the area where Chi Weisi was pinned to originally, and accompanied by loud rumbling and a huge cloud of dust, the entire wall collapsed.

Even Su Hanshan’s face warped in shock upon realizing the fearsome strength behind those arrows.

“Everyone, get down! Now!”

Zhao Qianqiu had barely managed to save Chi Weisi by an inch. Crawling on the floor, he bellowed in a panic. He knew that this wasn’t a rehearsal; he didn’t plan for these arrows.

At the very least, he would never go to the extent of killing the guards of Kunwu Training Camp to test his students.

“Follow me, and don’t make a sound!”

Zhao Qianqiu’s voice sounded in everyone’s ears. His tone was suppressed, and there was a hoarse and anxious edge to it.

But just then, someone interjected.

“Don’t move abruptly! It might not necessarily be safer outside. The assailants are Turk master archers!”

The one who spoke was Wang Chong. His voice sounded vastly different from before.

When those sharp arrows flew by at close quarters, Wang Chong clearly saw their appearance—they were wolf fang arrows.

These savage-looking arrows had serrated arrowheads, similar to that of a wolf’s fang. Were it to sink into one’s flesh, its hook would prevent one from extracting the arrow easily.

And if one were to attempt to do it forcefully, it could result in irreversible damage.

This kind of arrow could only be found in the Eastern and Western Turkic Khaganate.

“… Master archers possess extraordinary eyesight. Given how there’s no cover outside, leaving this room might put us in greater danger instead. Since there are tiger corpses on the floor, let’s pile them up in front of the window to use as cover against the arrows instead!”

In the darkness, Wang Chong’s voice was steady and calm. Instead of a teenage child, he seemed like a veteran general who had gone through innumerable bloody battlefields.

This kind of calm steadiness induced rationality and bred trust from others.

“How could I have forgotten about that! If we were to use the tiger corpses as cover against those sharp arrows, this place could serve as a fortress instead!”

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