C229: Zhangchou Jianqiong Comes to the Capital!

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As an influential official of the royal court, Big Uncle Wang Gen was plagued with many responsibilities. Unless it was for something extremely important, he wouldn’t go to the trouble of contacting Wang Chong, much lest seek him out. The previous time that the man came to look for him seemed to be when he committed that ‘disastrous mistake’.

Besides, big uncle should be aware of the strict regulations surrounding the Three Great Training Camps. Unless it was for something of vital importance, it would be unwise to disturb Wang Chong with it.

While he asked himself, “Why?” Even so, he quickly sneaked out of the mountaintop camp.

He traveled down the slope of the main peak by following a small path and slipped away. Not far off from Kunwu Training Camp was a carriage covered with green cloth tucked in a valley between some mountains, and a few Wang Clan guards were standing around it, warily assessing the surroundings.

“Big uncle!”

He walked right past the guards, who made no move to obstruct him, and climbed into the carriage compartment. There within he found Big Uncle Wang Gen.

Despite being dressed in casual attire, a green robe, rather than his usual robe of office, his every gesture seemed still to wield the authority befitting an influential minister of the royal court, naturally exuding an aura of magnanimity.

When Wang Chong came in, the latter’s brows were slightly pinched together in a frown, seemingly troubled over some matter.

“You’ve arrived!”

Seeing Wang Chong entering, Wang Gen raised his head, and the furrow of his brows slowly eased. A sincere smile touched his eyes.

“Please, sit; sit!”

Wang Gen gestured to his side, at a seat almost right next to himself; this reflected his deep trust and fondness for his nephew.

Such a treatment would have been unimaginable in the past.

“Big uncle.”

Wang Chong didn’t turn down the offer. After bowing respectfully, he took the indicated seat.

The attitude that big uncle assumed with him was vastly different from before. Wang Chong knew that his recent performance had truly won the other party’s trust and respect, and Big Uncle Wang Gen had already regarded him as a core member of the clan!

The affection seemed to spill over onto his mother and little sister as well. His big uncle also having seemed to treat them kindly in recent times, his former austerity disappearing entirely.

“How is the training camp?”

Wang Gen asked with a smile. Instead of diving straight into official matters, he started out asking after Wang Chong’s affairs in the training camp, showing the kindness of an elder.

“It’s been fine, other than the assault on the first day.”

Wang Chong gave his smiling response.

He had also adopted a very casual attitude before his big uncle, now regarding the latter as a trustworthy elder. Putting aside all of the minor issues, Wang Chong’s immediate family and Big Uncle Wang Gen’s family branch had never really had a grudge from the start.

Even the worst of the conflict seemed to be only the rivalry between Cousin Wang Li against big brother and second brother, centered on the struggle over inheriting grandfather’s influence.

However, Wang Chong had already decided not to fight against his cousins over anything. Instead, he would support them in progressing even further and attaining even greater achievements than before.

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