Chapter 7 - Wack-A-Wuggy

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I woke up in a warehouse full of toys. It was pretty dark, but I could see a little. I walked further into this giant room, noticing a set of stairs leading up to a platform that had a small elevator with a huge red dinosaur on it. There was also a desk with an office chair and a cyan VCR player on it, along with a television connected to it.

I decided to sit down on the chair, contemplating my life choices of why I came here. Remembering the events before I passed out, I started wondering how I got here. 

'Did the pink spider lady take me here? If so, then she mustn't be that evil... If she really wants me dead, then she could've killed me after I fell down that bridge.' I started working my brain, 'And what's the reason again as to why she wants to kill me..? Oh, right, it's because I worked here? I don't really remember working here though, I'm only 13... And if I remember correctly, all the workers disappeared around ten years ago. But then again, my father looks a lot like me, maybe he had to do something with this?'

I pulled my phone out, checking if I could use the internet deep in this factory. 

'I can! Wow!' I immediately typed in my father's name and 'Playtime Co.' next to it, and voila! There were a few articles on him retiring at around 7 August 1995. 'Looking at all these images of him, I could see how Mommy thought I'm him... But why does she act like that when seeing him? What could have he possibly done? Maybe I could tell Mommy the next time I see her that she's mistaking me for my father. That could get her off of my tail.'

I finally decided to get up from the office chair and to try and find a way to get this dinosaur out of the way. 

While looking around, I found a bunch of weird toys and descriptions for them, and a cyan VHS tape. 'I'll listen to it later.'

I noticed a giant claw on the ceiling and multiple handles on the sides of it. I tried pulling it for the next few minutes with my Grabpack, but it didn't budge.

I remembered that there was a green bulb filled with electricity back on the platform and a lever next to it. That lever probably powers this thing, so I ran back and pulled it.

The next time I tried to pull the claw, it finally worked, and now I was able to move it through trails on the ceiling. It finally got above the dinosaur, so I took the power from the green bulb next to the lever and I powered up the claw so it could lift the toy up.

I then looked behind me, seeing the cyan VCR player again, then remembered that I had the tape, so I inserted it and listened to the audio before heading deeper into the factory.

The tape was yet again about this Rich guy, the same one that couldn't find Huggy boxes, and he was talking to himself about how the higher-ups heard his complaints and decided to demote him into the Rejected Room.

After watching the tape, I decided to continue my journey, so I stepped on the small elevator and pressed the button, which took me a few meters up, leading me into several corridors.

After a few minutes of walking I reached a set of stairs, leading up to a door blocked by a chair. I took the chair away from the door and now I could open it, which led me to the beginning of Musical Memory..? I don't even remember this door...

And the only way was back into the Game Station, because the other ways were blocked by spiderwebs. Curious as to what will Mommy's next game be, I headed up the stairs, already hearing a beeping sound from the next lever.

I pulled said lever with my Grabpack, and heard the familiar voice of Stella Greyber.

"Whoa! You did fantastic! Who gave you permission to be this smart? *giggles* Mommy is super proud of you! But I'm sure she's already told you that herself. Our next game is Wack-A-Wuggy! Head downstairs and have fun!"

'Oooh yeah she's been telling me that ever since I met her... But I'm curious, is Wack-A-Wuggy something like Wack-A-Mole?'

I got an answer to my question when I walked down the stairs to the game, surprised to see no obstacles, and saw a giant room with a floor made of sand along with at least 20 holes in the wall.

Once I entered, a small TV turned on, showing me a tutorial on what I have to do. From every hole, a small Huggy Wuggy would be crawling out and I have to hit them in order for them to go back. The longer the test goes on, the harder it'll be. 'Wait, test?'

After the tutorial was over, I heard knocking on a window in the wall, much like in Musical Memory. It was Mommy.

"The toys in this game used to have strings attached to them, so they could be pulled back when they got too close to the children. Hmm... Have fun." Was all she had to say, but before the game could actually begin, I told her to wait a little.

"Wait, Mommy! I think you mistake me for someone!"

"Hm? Whatever do you mean?"

"I look really similar to how my father looked 10 years ago." I didn't really get an answer out of Mommy this time, because she stayed silent and I could hear the toys crawling around me in the holes.

I kept looking around, trying to find the sources of the sounds. Every once in a while, I hit a Huggy so that it would crawl back. 

After a minute, it got really difficult, making me miss multiple shots, which resulted in me getting more stressed, and that caused me to panic.

A pink colored spider lady was watching the game intently, thinking about what I said. She sighed, coming to a conclusion, and extended one of her hands somewhere.

Back to me, actual panic started to set in, since I know that there's no string attached to these little demons and any one of them could jump out at me and possibly kill me. 

Though I started hearing less and less crawling. Not paying attention while trying to catch my breath, I didn't notice nor hear one of the Huggies crawling towards me from behind, ready to lunge at me.

It made a screeching noise, alerting me. I turned around, but it was too late, I saw it jumping towards me. I covered my face as a defensive instinct, but looked up a few seconds later when I couldn't feel anything on me.

Regaining my vision, the only thing I could see was something pink dragging the Huggy back into the hole in the wall. 'Wait, is that--!'

"Oh, You did it! Hurray! Mommy is so... Proud of you! Here, Mommy has another part of the hint for you." I could hear Mommy cheer.

'Man, someone's finally proud of me..! Though she couldn't possibly mean it.' I teared up a little and thought it went unseen.

I noticed Mommy's hand coming through a went close to the ground with the second part of the code in her hand.

"Only one game left to play. Hmm... Sad. Mommy was hoping you'd stay here forever. Though, it's never too late to change your mind." Mommy giggled, but it sounded saddened, even though she's trying to kill me. She then moved back into the shadows.

The vent the pink spider lady's hand came through opened up fully, allowing me to enter. Once inside, I could see multiple pipes on the walls and cleaning supplies.

Deciding on not to waste any more time, I went on to find my way back to the Game Station so that I could get the last part of the code and get the hell out of here.


I hope you liked this one, I'm usually writing at night when my roommates are asleep, so sometimes I fall asleep in the middle of writing, but I could muster up a chapter that's a little bit longer than the others.

If you like longer chapters then please do tell me with a vote and a comment.

Words: 1431

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