Chapter 15 - School

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From now on I'm going to write in 3rd person's POV.


Mommy was sitting on the stairs of Home Sweet Home trying to comfort the traumatized boy while Poppy explaining some things.

(Y/N) also had doubts in Poppy after she made his train crash.

"Listen, (Y/N), I'm not your enemy, but I can't just let you leave! What's happening down here is bigger than all of us! I need you, so we can get revenge on those monsters who've tortured you; who've tortured us!" The porcelain doll spoke in a convincing voice.

"They didn't act alone, they're disciples of the original: the Prototype. In fact, that monster probably knows we're talking about him right now! He knows everything that's happening here, and that Mommy has also turned against him. (Y/N), The Prototype knows we're coming by now. You try to escape, he'll kill you before you ever reach that front door." The boy was fully focused on the talking doll after hearing his name.

"I didn't want you to be killed by him. He's also the reason I was trapped in that god awful case for so long. You have no idea the things he's done... Let me help you kill him. Let me help you save everyone. We've all seen you, how capable you are. You killed Huggy, you survived and helped Mommy, you freed me... you are perfect for this." Poppy motioned for (Y/N) to follow her while making Kissy carry her.

The (H/C) haired boy got up along with Mommy and followed the other two females. 

"We're going to restore the power to the dome. After that, Ollie's going to call you and tell you where to go next." Poppy explained as she jumped onto one of Kissy's hands and opened a small electrical box that had a poppy painted on it and pulled a small lever in it. An elevator next to the four activated.

"What about me?" Mommy asked the doll.

"I don't know, but you'll possibly be with (Y/N)." Poppy answered as they got on said elevator. "It actually depends on what Ollie thinks is best."

The four got on the machine, going all the way up to a platform high up, "Do the honors?" Poppy asked as she pointed at a big yellow button on the table nearby.

(Y/N) nodded, and shot the Grabpack at the button, successfully pressing it. The moment the hand detached from the button the lights to the whole of Playcare lit up, allowing the four to clearly see now.

The elevator carried them down and only (Y/N) and Mommy got off.

"This is where we bid farewell. The two of us need to finish a few tasks we have left. You two, good luck." Poppy waved at the other two.

"Thanks, bye Poppy, Kissy." (Y/N) waved back at the two, getting a wave out of the pink fluffy toy as well. The two toys were now out of sight.

"Come on, (Y/N). We should go." Mommy told the boy, but he just stood still, looking at the elevator.

"I don't really want to."

"Is that nightmare still on your mind?" The pink toy asked as she walked closer to the thinking boy, "You know I wouldn't do anything like that to you, and neither would CatNap. If he wanted to, I wouldn't let him. Let's just focus on what's happening now rather than what happened then, we should defeat The Prototype so that we can visit your father!"

Mommy encouraged (Y/N), successfully actually, and with a smile he turned around and grabbed onto the toy's hand, leading her forward until a ringing sound was heard from his waist.

(Y/N) detached the clip and accepted the call, expecting Ollie to speak to him.

"Hey, hey... It's me again. Seems like Poppy explained everything now. And she turned on the Dome's backup power! Now, the plan from here is pretty simple- we need to restore power to the Gas Production Zone. First, go back to the Home Sweet Home building you were just in." Following the instructions, the two walked back to the house.

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