Chapter 20

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Alarice slumped back at the couch. She puts her arms on her forehead and close hee eyes. She feels like all the rest she had done these past month was gone to waste. She's drained and don't know what to do.

She touched the couch she's sitting in. Just a moment ao
go the couch feels warm but now it feels cold and empty. It's funny how just a little amount of time will change how her whole surrounding is.

"What do you want me to do, Nicholas?" She murmured in the air

She remembered what happened to the first concubine.

A green hair akin to a fresh summer leaves and a silver eyes that looks like a star at night. That's how she viewed the First Concubine. Charlotte Tabitha Robindrey. She was just 16 years old when she married the young emperor by the order of her father. Marquess Robindrey. 

She didn't like the Emperor. In fact she was in love with her commoner knight guard. And Marquess knows that fact that is why he pushed his daughter to marry the emperor.

He can't accept that his oldest daughter was in love with a low blood commoner. It was a huge blow to their reputation if other nobles knew that fact. That's why when opportunity presented itself he grabbed it.

By marrying off his daughter, he'll be saved from shame of mixing his own flesh and blood to a vile commoner, and he'll gain power from being one of the maternal side of the emperor.

However, his daughter tried to run off together with her knight. The moment he caught them, she locked her up the room and cut the guards legs to prevent them from having idiotic ideas of running away again.

He threatens his daughter that he'll cut his other limbs if she didn't marry the emperor so she had no choice.

Charlotte was a sweet girl without greed for power. She's not intelligent or cunning either to withstand the fierce battle inside the harem. Her only source of support is her father. Her only dream is to become a simple housewife with a loving husband and lively children. She's even fine with a small house like the commoners' as long as her family will warm it up. That's her only wish.

But it shattered when the Empress Consort and Second Concubine saw her as a competition. When Charlotte accidentally discovers Nicholas' desire for a warm simple family  like her, they've gotten close but that just of like a little sister and a brother.

They both have something that they can never achieve. Additionally, the emperor helped her guard knight to be freed from the Marquess and gave enough gold for him to survive. Nicholas promised Charlotte to let her be free after he gain enough power.

Nicholas even let Charlotte meet the knight often. He was happy seeing that the his "little sister" was happy. On the nights that they were supposed to spend together, Charlotte will just blab about how she spent her days with her knight.

The Empress Consort is constantly harassing her. Despite Nicholas' assurance that he just viewed her as a younger sister, it was not enough for her. And Nicholas understands it. That's why he was always apologetic to Charlotte. And Charlotte will always say she's fine.

That's one of the reason why Nicholas agreed to marry Alarice. To have someone higher than the Empress Consort supervise the harem in shadows.

Seven years later, when the nineteen years old Alarice came, she immediately became close to Charlotte. Charlotte will always brag about her being a dear cute little sister. Which he knows that she was not.

When he take an Empress Regnant, the Marquess became agitated. His power was constantly decreasing the moment he marries off his daughter.  It's like someone in the shadows was crippling him. His only hope is for his daughter Charlotte to have a child with the Emperor. After all she was now the only wife of the emperor that doesn't have a child.

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