Chapter 67

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The next day at the dining hall,Mr.Rathore,Mrs.Rathore,Arjun's younger brother is eating while observing Arjun and Anjali.Arjun was smiling happily and Anjali was busy shooting daggers at him.The family members didn't expect this reaction from Arjun.They think that Arjun will be sad because Anjali will go from Rathore mansion today.But the scene is different here.

At the same time Chotu came there for dinner.By seeing Anjali he happily went to her and kiss her on her cheeks.Arjun went to Chotu and pull him by his shirt and placed him at the chair next to him."Behave,She is your sister-in-law" Arjun scolded him.

"No ,She is my wife and your sister-in-law" Chotu glared at him.But seeing Arjun's murderous glare he started crying.Everyone face palmed themselves because of their behaviour.Anjali started rubbing Chotu hair and glared at Arjun.Chotu smirked at Arjun.

Anjali said bye to everyone and drag the luggage to downstairs after breakfast.Arjun dragged her to the car and make her sit in the passenger seat closed the door.He sit in driver seat and drived the car."You hooligan,idiot.Stop the car" Anjali cursed him angrily.

"You can't scold your husband like that" Arjun pinched her cheeks.

"You.." Anjali stopped talking.They reached the hostel.

"Bye wifey" Arjun shouted and Anjali wanted to shout but the car left from there.

At the hostel room

Anjali,Geetha,Pooja hugged each other and started talking happily about the internship.

Suddenly Three friends told "I want to tell you something"

They saw each others face."Ok First Geetha you are elder so you tell us" Pooja asked her.

"I had my first kiss with Abhi in this internship" Geetha replied dreamingly.She expects there is a shocking reaction from them.But they are blank and made a face like they know already.

"Karan proposed to me and I have accepted.Now he is my boyfriend" Pooja said shyly.Geetha is somehow shocked.But Anjali reaction is same blank face.

"Now you tell us?" Both of them asked Anjali.

"I got married to Arjun" Anjali replied calmly.Anjali saw both Pooja and Geetha just looking at her blankly without making any sound.

"You are joking right?" After sometime both of them asked.

"No,Iam serious" Anjali replied.

She explained how they married excluding the part that she is Manushi and Arjun knows that.

"Wait did anyone know about this apart from us?" Pooja asked her.

"No one knows" Arjun replied.

"How do you tell to your father and brother.They will not leave Arjun" Geetha replied.

"I don't know.For now I don't want to tell anyone I have some things to do.After that I will tell them" Anjali told seriously.

Anjali get a call from Aditya.She excused herself and went to balcony to talk.

"Anjali I have sent you information about Agnihotris.Today the younger Agnihotri Siyan is giving party." Aditya told her.

"We can start the game with Siyan Agnihotri" Anjali replied angrily.

"Anjali are you fine?" Aditya asked worriedly.

"No Iam fine.Why are you asking?" Anjali asked him.

"Yesterday I had a dream.In that dream,we are playing happily in the garden.But suddenly a big wolf came and take you with him" Aditya said seriously.

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