Chapter 72

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At Rathore industries conference room:

Today Arjun was in a very bad mood. The whole atmosphere in the conference room was tense. Arjun was so angry at his employees that he almost wanted to fire each and everyone of them.
His company had taken over many big projects. And today he checked all the files and work that his employee's have done. He was utterly disappointed and mad!

His assistant informed him of some files being incomplete while some were poorly done. He hated lazy and irresponsible people. These kind of people have no place in his company.
Nobody dared to speak or even look at their Boss's face. They were seated in the conference room for almost two hours with Arjun Rathore glaring, shouting and yelling at them.

"What? Is nobody going to say anything?" Arjun glared, "Just for some days I was a little lenient on you people, and this is result you'll give me? "

Nobody spoke a word.Arjun was indeed right, seeing their Boss's happy-go-lucky behavior for a few days they had completely forgotten that, this is their Boss. The great Arjun Rathore! The devil of the business world!

"Why is the work still incomplete? Have I given you this jobs just so that you all could be lazy and irresponsible. If you all don't want to do your work properly, then give your resignation letter and leave my company. No need to come to work! I don't want any lazy people here. My company only need hardworking people and you all are not that! "

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Come in! " Arjun snapped.

Assistant Kranthi rushed towards Arjun, "Boss,the files you needed" he said handing over the files to Arjun.

Looking at the incomplete files in front of him, Arjun's fury rose. Kranthi shivered standing next to him contemplating on how to inform his boss about Anjali's arrival.

" This file, Why is this file still incomplete? Should I give you all personal reminder to complete your work" he asked throwing a file on the table.

Grabbing another file he roared, "And this file, who did the work on this project? The deadline is coming and you give me this piece of rubbish.... "

"Boss..." Kranthi stammered.

"Do you need something?" Arjun snapped.

At first Kranthi shook his head, "No " and then he nodded, "Yes Boss, It's lunch time and - "

"Lunch? Do you still want lunch?" Arjun asked glaring at his assistant. "Like I said, nobody is going to have lunch today! You all will first complete your work, submit it to me and then you can have your lunch. Any objections?"

Who would be so brave to have objection? Everybody thought pitifully shaking their head they replied in unison, "No Boss"

"But Boss - "

"What? " Arjun snapped looking at his assistant. "What happened?"

Walking closer to Arjun, Kranthi whispered, "Boss, Anjali is waiting for you in your office and she brought lunch for you... "

Wifey is here! Suddenly a rare and beautiful smile appeared on his face. All the previous anger and frustration over his face completely disappeared.The tensed atmosphere cooled down and everyone was stunned to see their devil boss smiling again. What happened? Raising their head everyone looked at Kranthi.

"Okay everyone, you all can go and have your lunch. Lunch is very important! If you don't eat, then how can you have the strength to complete your work? Have lunch and complete your work! " Arjun smiled and left the room in a rush.

Everyone : "...." Just a minute ago, Boss was shouting at us not to have lunch, and now he is smiling at us to have lunch. What happened?

"Assistant Kranthi what happened to Boss?" someone asked curiously.

Shaking his head Assistant Kranthi laughed, "Our saviour saved us... "

Our saviour?

"Kranthi, does Boss have a girlfriend? Do we have a Lady Boss? " an employee asked curiously but excited at the thought.

Kranthi nodded his head in confirmation, "Yes, and she is here. But you all have to keep this secret. Now go and have lunch! "

Kranthi smiled leaving the conference room where a discussion about their who is their Lady Boss was taking place.

Inside Arjun's office:

Anjali was setting up the plates when she heard the door open and saw Arjun walking towards her with a big smile on his face.

"Hey.. " she smiled, " I made you lunch " she said pointing towards the dishes.

"My wife is so good! " he said sitting next to her. Taking her hand in his, he placed a kiss on it, "Thank you "

Anjali blushed while pointing at the dishes she smiled, " I brought chocolates with lunch. Your favorite! "

"Chocolates? "Arjun asked hesitantly frowning, "My favorite? "

Anjali was about to say something when suddenly the door opened and a high childish voice yelled, "Brother.... Your baby brother is here! "

"wifey!! Am I interrupting something? "Chiku asked cutely.

"Yes! Get out!! " Arjun frowned looking at his little brother. What is he doing here?

"No, come... " Anjali said smilingly.

Anjali and Arjun looked at each other and smiled. Chiku was about to talk to his brother suddenly paused and walked towards them. "Ooo. chocolates.Wifey you know that I like chocolates and you brought them for me " she said directly taking a seat next to Anjali.

 Looking at his brother Arjun helplessly shook his head, "Chiku what are you doing here?"

"You're so cruel brother. I missed you and my wife so much and I came to see her. But you are driving me out. " Chiku complained, " But now I am going to have my lunch with you and my wife...." Chiku smiled.

"No! You are not going to be a thirdwheel here, Chiku. I forbid you to to eat my wi.. girlfriend's dishes. She has cooked it specially for me. They are mine!!"

Chiku rolled his eyes snorting, "Brother, it's Chocolates. Anyway you are not going to eat it, you hate chocolates. So isn't it better for me to eat it "

"Even if I am not going to eat it, I will not let you eat it either. My wife brought it for me and they are mine! You have no rights to eat it.... "

"As she is my wife, I have all the rights to eat it... " Chiku retorted.

"Wait! " Anjali interrupted their banter. Looking at Arjun she asked, "You hate chocolates?"I am really sorry Arjun. I didn't knew you were allergic to it. I called Brother Ashok and that Chiku told me that - "

"Wifey..." Chiku called grabbing Anjali's hand, "The food is getting cold. We should start eating "

"Yeah... we should" Anjali nodded serving Arjun with the noodles and fried rice.

"My dear little brother" Arjun smiled sweetly looking at his brother who was excitedly looking at the food.

"Yes brother? " he asked.

"Where is he?" Arjun asked raising his eyebrows at his mischievous little brother. He knew it has to be him. Who else can ruin his perfect lunch?

Chiku gulped. "Who? " he asked innocently.

"I know you are out there, Ashok. Come inside!" Arjun shouted rolling his eyes. Ashok who was standing outside the office shivered. Opening the door a little he peeked inside, "Hehe... Hello everyone...."

"Come here. What are you afraid of?" Arjun smiled.

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