Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Nano bots fluttered up and down Miguel's body, treating the wounds and bruises that marbled his body. He was... He didn't know how he was. Ambivalent could be one way to describe how he felt about everything. Or maybe it was just one singular feeling that he could label it with. Or maybe a cake. A sponge textured cake of despair with anger as its filling and iced with the conflict of hating someone who did not deserve it. A cake baked and served by a whatever God Miguel quickly determined he must have pissed off.

A sharp sting shot up his arm as a nano bot stitched something at an incorrect angle, solidifying his theory. Fate dearly hated him. And maybe it was much deserved. He thoroughly destroyed any attempt of a friendship with anyone he ever met, severely burned his past relationship to ash, and now told his first, and probably last, teammate all the reasons he hated her.

'You idiot.'

He buried his head in his hands, exhaling all his melodramatic thoughts. Maybe he'd have a better time writing a book than being a half-baked CEO and vigilante.

"Miguel?" A rap at the door jerked his head up, nanobots buzzing in dismay at all his movements.

"Yeah?" The doors hissed in response as his mother briskly walked in. He wished he could feel relief but the look on her face only made him tense up.

Her nose was crinkled by the knot above it, eyes tinted red by tears that still lingered at the corners. He felt regret sink in at allowing her in.

"Was it him? Was it Gabriel? Did you hurt him?!"

He looked away. "You know how after a fight in movies, the beat-up character usually goes "you should see the other guy?". Usually, it's out of overconfidence or trying to deflect the severity of their wounds- but I truly, really mean it, when I say, I'm the other guy."

She frowned at him, flailing her hands in exasperation. "This is no time for jokes Miguel-"

"I think I've earned my right to." He stood up, anger boiling up. It was one thing to feel resentment out how his mother's first worry was for someone who may or may not be trying to kill Miguel, but he couldn't forget how Fire-Weaver had been treated these past three days. He may be an asshole, but his mother had no excuse.

The way she had rubbed her wrists after their escape from Spectre had told him her powers had a limit. A painful one. Why was that something only a miserable person like him had noticed?

"Tell me, why was spider-woman out there today? Why was she in a fight so soon after the last?"

Conchata's eyes widened, taking a step back. "S-she was in the area. I didn't tell her to-"

"But you were aware and made no move to stop her when you already knew she was in no state to fight. Her wrists were still recovering from the burns. If I could notice that then you surely would have known too."

"She volunteered!" Conchata regained her composure, narrowing her eyes. "I had no idea it was Gabri- this, Goblin. Otherwise, I would have demanded she come with me to take cover."

"This is always your problem mom- You never think of anyone but yourself. From the moment she got here you've got her involved in things that have nothing to do with her-"

"Spectre has everything to do with her! They want her for something-"

"So, you decided sending her to their front door was the best first course of action? Getting both Xina and myself involved?!"

"I NEVER told Xina to go! And yes, I'll admit it was a poorly thought-out plan, but I was impatient and thought a stealth mission was safe. You weren't doing anything at all except sitting at your desk Miguel! What was I supposed to do?! Let you sulk forever?! You needed to be pushed- she needed to be pushed! The grief I see in your eyes is the same that I see in hers and I, I thought I could help both of you at once!"

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