Does More Harm than Good!

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ILan - "Shang welcomes any capable partners but refuses people who have evil intentions, especially a person who can use a little child as a tool to achieve her goal.

I want to let all of you know that I have already called the police. The evildoer will be severely punished by the law. Her name will also be permanently removed from Shang.”

Upon hearing ILan’s loud voice, everyone looked at Isha and shook their heads. They thought that she deserved such a punishment. No one would sympathize with a person like her.

Except for her beautiful face, her other attributes were not presentable.

Manisha held Himanshi’s hand and said, “Congratulations, Himanshi. Once the police take Isha away, you will be worthy of the title as a cover girl. You might even become Yuvraj’s partner.”

“Okay. If Shang really allows me to be with Yuvraj on the front cover, please communicate with Jay in case he feels down,” Himanshi said gently.

‘Jay, I’m really sorry this time. I can only make you stay on the back cover. I can’t accompany you anymore, ‘ she thought inwardly.

Manisha nodded. The trace of excitement was apparent on her face.

However, LuLi was a little surprised. Had ILan really confirmed that it was Isha who committed the crime? How did she confirm it?

LuLi had already inquired about the memory card. The elite technicians in the technical department were not able to restore its content. So she was sure that she wouldn’t be implicated. She just didn’t know why Isha was convicted.

Anyway, she didn’t need to care as long as it had nothing to do with her.

Finally, everything was settled.

“Editor-in-chief, who the hell is the evildoer?” someone from the crowd who remained conscious and was not too tainted by the gossip asked loudly.

“The police have already arrived. See for yourself,” ILan said.

She did this on purpose to let everyone be vigilant. In Shang, everyone must comply with professional and life ethics.

As soon as she finished speaking, the police came in.

Everyone thought it was unnecessary for that person to ask the question. Obviously, it was Isha who did it. What was the use of asking?

Judging from Isha’s expression, they knew that she had something to do with it.

It was just a pity that such a beautiful face and long legs were all destroyed by her vicious heart. She was like a rotten apple. No matter how beautiful she looked, she couldn’t resist the stench of her rotting bones.

Everyone watched the police walked in and approach——

They walked up to LuLi and said, “LuLi, you are suspected of murder, spreading rumors, and other crimes. Please come with us for interrogation and investigation.”

LuLi’s eyes widened in surprise. She was dumbfounded for a moment. “No, it’s not me. It’s Isha Sharma! Why me? I didn’t do anything. It was all Isha’s fault. She’s over there. You must have made a mistake. Go and catch her.”

“LuLi, please calm down. Just come with us. We are taking you away in accordance with the law. Please cooperate.” The police were only doing their job, but they couldn’t help feeling disgusted with LuLi. Naturally, righteous policemen wouldn’t treat a woman who could even hurt a little child for her own good nicely.

The crowd was in an uproar. “What? It’s LuLi? How can it be? It’s supposed to be Isha, right? What is going on?”

Himanshi was also surprised. “How could it be LuLi?”

She had witnessed how confident LuLi was in winning. That was why she had no doubt that LuLi would win this time.

But the reality slapped her hard across the face. LuLi was defeated!

ILan suddenly spoke again, “Everyone has a lot of doubts. I know that you won’t believe everything you are seeing now without solid evidence. So I will let you see how the evildoer did it.”

She then pressed the button on her phone, and the video that Abhay had restored appeared on the screen behind her.

LuLi’s eyes widened in shock. The video showed the scene she had recorded.

Her initial plan was to record herself saving Mini. If she accidentally recorded the scene when she pushed Mini into the swimming pool, she could have enough time to edit it since it was her own camera.

But what had happened was not what she had expected. The one who saved Mini was not her but Isha.

If she hadn’t been so greedy and didn’t try to slander Isha, she wouldn’t have exposed so many flaws and become suspicious.

But it was too late to regret now.

Although the video on the big screen was not very clear, how she used her evil hand in pushing Mini’s back was accurately recorded.

After Mini fell into the water, she didn’t immediately jump down to save the little girl. Obviously, she was waiting for the right time to adjust the angle of her entry into the water. In that case, she could take a more wonderful picture.

It seemed that she didn’t care about the consequences even though Mini was struggling in the water.

Isha, who was about to change her clothes in the distance, had keenly noticed that Mini had fallen into the water. Regardless of her image, she rushed into the water and lifted Mini up without any hesitation.

It was self-evident who intended to use the child to earn gratitude and fame.

However, Isha, the heroine who didn’t hesitate to save the child, had gotten all the ridicule.

When the crowd saw the video in front of them, they all boiled with rage. They were angry not only because LuLi was vicious, but she also played tricks on them. Everyone was used as a tool to hurt Isha.

Those harsh words were like sharp arrows that pierced through Isha’s heart. No wonder she looked very aggrieved while standing beside ILan.

It turned out that everyone was used by LuLi to hurt the kind and innocent Isha.

LuLi, who had nothing else to say, was taken away by the police. Her legs were so weak that she could not even walk. She was only dragged forward.

The expression on Himanshi’s face also changed. She had lost the chance to appear on the front cover and become Yuvraj’s partner. ‘LuLi is such a fool! She always does more harm than good. But fortunately, everything has nothing to do with me.

Except for a few provocative words that I’ve said to her, the rest was her own plan. So she has to shoulder the burden alone.’

ILan walked up to Isha and said in a low voice, “Isha, I’m sorry. And thank you so much. I can’t imagine what kind of harm Mini would have suffered if it weren’t for you. I am not a good mother.”

“Editor-in-chief, I did what I was supposed to do, and so did you,” Isha said with a smile. As a mother, she could understand how ILan felt. ILan only loved Mini very much.



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