It Must Be Her Guilty Conscience.

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The comments were also filled with Himanshi’s fans standing united while rejoicing.

“Himanshi, what’s the main topic of your press conference today? Can you tell us?” the reporters immediately asked, trying to direct the topic.

Manisha took the microphone and said, “Himanshi is not in good health because of the miscarriage, so I’m afraid she won’t be able to answer your questions. As her agent, I can answer all of your questions. Also, Himanshi will be sitting down for this event. I hope you can all understand.”

Immediately, a nurse thoughtfully brought a chair to Himanshi.

Himanshi sat down weakly.

Manisha announced to everyone, “Everyone knows that after Himanshi and Deepak got engaged, she started preparing to build a family with him. She reduced her workload and put her family ahead of her career. Soon after, she got pregnant.

“After she got pregnant, Himanshi cared about this child very much. She was also very careful because it was the fruit of her and Deepak’s love.

“That day, Himanshi listened to the company and participated in the team-building event. She got along well with everyone there. When she went to the washroom, Isha followed her in.

“It was all my fault as I was a little careless. Since we were in the company, I thought everything would be alright and I didn’t go to the washroom with Himanshi. I was outside sorting out the gifts that Himanshi’s fans had given her.

“If I had known that something would happen, I would’ve stayed by Himanshi’s side no matter what to prevent her from getting hurt. I feel so regretful and guilty for not doing what a good agent should’ve done. Not long after Himanshi entered the washroom, she and Isha collided with each other. I don’t know why Isha hit Himanshi’s stomach, causing her to miscarry.

“This incident has caused Himanshi a lot of pain and hurt. She has been crying every day, and her body and mind have been severely impacted.

“I also have to admit my mistake for not being with Himanshi at the time.

“As for Isha, one of the parties involved, although Himanshi doesn’t blame her, I still hope that she can come and make things clear on the spot. She’ll give an explanation to Himanshi, the Verma family, the Sharma family, and the media as well as fans who care about Himanshi.”

After Manisha was done talking, the audience began to discuss.

“I knew it. It has something to do with Isha, after all.”

“I didn’t believe it when I saw the news online. I didn’t expect that she’s really the perpetrator.”

“How can Himanshi be willing to forgive her just like this? She’s really generous.”

“I hope Himanshi will get what she deserves.”

“I didn’t expect Isha to have a black heart when she’s so beautiful. You really can’t judge a book by its cover.”


Himanshi was so pitiful that even the reporters could not stand it anymore. They felt that Isha was too cruel and should not have done such a thing.

After some discussion, the reporters paused in their actions.

They realized that Isha had not arrived yet.

They looked around and asked, “Where’s Isha Sharma? Why don’t I see her?”

“That’s right. Why hasn’t she shown up?”

Manisha said, “Isha asked us to gather here at eight o’clock so that she could give an explanation. That’s strange. Where is she?”

As soon as she said this, the crowd started creating a ruckus. “Is Isha not coming?”

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