Hold His Hand

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Episode Two: Blessings of St. Coccyx


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If there was one thing Jack Dawkins prided himself on, it was the ability to stay unattached

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If there was one thing Jack Dawkins prided himself on, it was the ability to stay unattached.  He had known many people in his lifetime, and he could leave them all if it meant he would benefit.

However, Elizabeth Fox was different.  Jack couldn't stop thinking about her.  Her wit, her strength, her kindness and love, her beauty.  She was absolutely perfect in his eyes.

It was ridiculous.  He had just met the girl, but he knew that she had stolen his heart.  He couldn't be in love with the Governor's daughter.  It wasn't right, since his status was less than ideal for a suitor.  But if it wasn't right, Jack wanted to be wrong. 

He had grown to adore her after just one conversation.  She was such a deep person.  He was so taken with her voice, her laugh, her smile.  Oh her smile. He felt like he would do anything to see her smile. 

As he sat in his office, thinking about the said girl, he realized something.

Fuck.  I'm in love with Elizabeth Fox.


Elizabeth was currently making the last bed in the patient room.  She was finally able to get everything clean.  At least, clean enough to where no one would die of infection.  She sighed and looked over at a resting Charlie before dabbing his forehead with a cloth. 

She heard chatter from the hall and looked up.  She scowled when she saw the Professor chewing out Jack with a man being held up by the drunk former.   She winced when Alistair carelessly dropped him.

"....Because if you did this, your employment is terminated."

The young doctor stuttered, "it came from on high."

"From who?"

"The Governor's daughter," Elizabeth interrupted, "is insisting on it."

Professor McGregor turned to the girl in surprise. "Lady Beth! What are you doing here?" He stumbled a little, indicating to her that he was almost blackout drunk.

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