4) All-nighter

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Leah's p.o.v:
Aryan and I stood there on the deck for a while in silence. "I don't think he's okay," Aryan finally says, breaking the silence.

"I don't know. I mean, I don't want to be all up in his business, but this Olivia thing always gets to him. I've noticed how he acts whenever someone mentions her," I say genuinely worried.

"Yeah, I get that. But if he doesn't face the truth, how will he ever stop being like that?" he responds.

"So what you're saying is that he should just talk to her? Knowing how he gets with her?" I chuckle unsurely. I get Aryan's idea, but I guess it might work? All Walker is going to do is avoid her, which won't help with the situation.

"Yeah, but it doesn't feel like I have a place to tell him what to do with his relationship, so I haven't mentioned it," he says. I could sense he just wants to help; he and Walker are really good friends, and I get that he doesn't like seeing him get so worked up, especially over a girl.

Y/n walks in. "Hey guys, uh, what are you talking about?" Aryan and I look at each other but don't answer her question. "Okay then... uh, we're going to watch a movie, Dior, Charlie, and I. Do you wanna join?" She says.

"No, actually, Aryan and I are just talking... Uhh, do you mind leaving us alone?" I ask politely. I hope she doesn't get the wrong impression. "Oh, sure," she says and walks away, closing the sliding doors that led to the deck.

Aryan looks at me. "I think we should keep this between us," he says. "Yeah," I agree. "Also, I'm pretty sure Walker likes Y/n," he says out of the blue.

"What?!" I respond, confused. "That's so cute, omg! But what about him and Olivia? He still hasn't even figured that whole situation out. How is he going to go after another girl?"

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking, but I just want what's best for Walker. But... man, I don't know anymore," he says. "You're supposed to be the smart one," I say, laughing.

"Let's go inside," he says. I nod, and we go back inside, heading to my room. Aryan goes and sits down, going on his phone, while Walker is in the corner with AirPods in, on his phone too. I try to go and join Dior and Y/n watching a movie, but Y/n pulls me aside. "What are you and Aryan talking about outside?" She says, concerned. I can't tell her because quite frankly it's none of her business, but I'm worried soon it might include her too. "Y/n, it doesn't regard you. It's fine," I smile and hurry back to Dior. I know she doesn't like secrets, but I have no other choice. " Hi again Dior!" I say excitedly " Leah we should have an all nighter!" Dior says " I like that idea why don't we tell the others?" I respond

Y/n's p.o.v:
I hate secrets, but if it doesn't concern me, I guess I understand... I wouldn't want someone telling my business, but it keeps nagging me. I try to ignore it, but I keep thinking about it. Leah really doesn't like drama, so maybe it's just some drama? What if it's about Walker? Oh my god. I have to stop thinking about it, but I can't. I'm debating on whether I should talk to him or not, but there's just not a right moment.

"GUYS!" Dior yells. "We should have an all-nighter!" Leah announces. Charlie agrees, Leah and Dior definitely agree, and now it's just Me, Aryan, and Walker. "Huh, what? Oh, okay, I guess," Walker responds. "I'll do it," Aryan says. "Uhh, okay!" I say enthusiastically.

I keep thinking about Walker. I think I have a big crush on him, but I'm such an awkward person, and I could never bring myself to tell him or even ask him a question. Clearly, because I couldn't even ask him about Leah and Aryan being all secretive,  and I know Charlie and Dior noticed it, but they didn't say anything. I feel like it's about me, and it's giving me so much anxiety. Do they have some sort of inside joke together? and I'm the only one who doesn't know, making me look like an idiot? Okay, now I'm overthinking and just worrying myself. I mean, I talked to Dior, and she was really sweet, but what if, in reality, she's just being nice and she really thinks I'm a loser???!?! Oh my god.

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