10) More Secrets..?

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                              ★ ¸.•♡•.¸ ★

Y/n's p.o.v:
I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO CRY AGAIN. God, I've cried too many times to count. Quickly, I make my way to the bathroom, and I start taking deep breaths. It's not a big deal, right? Don't be a baby. I'm not sure if I heard him call out to me. I watch as I stare at myself falling apart in the mirror. I hurry into the stall and let my tears flow. After pulling myself together, I rummage through my bag, wiping my tears and starting to redo my makeup, specifically my mascara and concealer, erasing the evidence of my breakdown. I try to stop crying, but my thoughts betray me. I tilt my head down, allowing the tears to drop to the ground instead of on my retouched makeup. That's when I hear a knock on the bathroom door. "Y/n, is that you?" Leah's voice asks. I stay silent, quickly I stop crying and exit the stall. I smile, "What's up?" I say, acting nonchalant and "putting my phone away," trying to cover up a newly thought-of lie. "I swear I heard crying?" She says, puzzled. "Strange I didn't hear, maybe it was my laughing. I was on my phone in the bathroom; I needed to call someone soo." I say, laughing as I walk away, clutching my necklace, and fidgeting with it the entire time as I walk back with Leah after she came out.

It's not like Walker agrees with the fact that I'm a sensitive slut, right? It shouldn't have taken him that long to answer. Ugh Stop. I feel so selfish for only thinking of myself. Maybe he had a reason, but there's no way I'm speaking to him. I spot Avery and Aryan sitting on a bench showing each other TikToks. Leah and I were silent the whole walk, which is not normal. She doesn't question it, though, and neither do I. "AVERYY," I exclaim as I sit next to her. "Hi Y/n!" she replies, looking at me strangely. "Are you okay?" She asks. Okay, that question is getting annoying whether I'm asking it or getting asked it. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I say, laughing nervously. "Where is Walker?" I ask, worried. "Oh, I don't know," Avery says. I turn to Aryan. "I've got no idea," he says. Leah's eyes turn to me. "That's strange; I thought he was with you last?" She asks. "I was, but I went to the bathroom to pick up a call and... use the bathroom?" I say, lying. "Well, let's hunt for Walker then!" Avery says, giggling. We all get up from the bench and split up to look for him.

Leah's p.o.v:
I left Avery behind and headed to the bathroom. As I walk in, I hear a soft crying sound. Was I imagining that? I knock on where I thought I heard it; it sounded awfully like Y/n's cry, which worried me. "Y/n, is that you?" I question. But she comes out seemingly fine. "What's up?" she replies while putting her phone away. Okay? She explains to me that she was on her phone; maybe it came from her phone? We walk back to the rest of the group in silence, only to discover Walker is missing. It's getting darker, and still cold. So we all decide to split up to look for him. Maybe Leena was right? Y/n is never sad; I mean, if she was truly crying, I would've noticed. But that's impossible. You can't cover sobbing up that fast, can you? If so, I most definitely couldn't do that; my eyes get all red. It's getting colder fast, but we've talked for hours, and getting to know Avery was nice. I walk near an area I thought Walker might be, leaving Avery once again. Why can't I find Walker? Did he run away or something? I scan the park, so peaceful and quiet. I liked solitude a lot before, but now I'm always with groups of my friends. The old Leah would be so surprised to see me now. I gaze into the distance at the gym equipment and spot a tall pale figure. Either it was a demon, a ghost, or Walker. I walk up cautiously, a little scared too. Sam and Colby, where you at? Thankfully, I soon realize it was Walker. Damn, he had me convinced that he was a ghost. I approach, laughing. "My soul left my body because I thought you were a ghost," I say. He's still scrolling on his phone, not paying any attention. "Huh? Oh," he replies with a "laugh." I roll my eyes, "Let's go to the group. Also, what are you doing here?" I ask. "I looked for Y/n, didn't know where she went," he explains, getting up and walking off. "Walker, she went to the bathroom, and that's not the way the group is," I say, lifting my eyebrow. I do not trust him. "Oh, okay," he says, smiling, and I catch up to him as we start walking and talking. "So, Walker, how's everything going?" I ask. "We saw each other yesterday, so not much!" he replies sarcastically. "Oh yeah!" I laugh. We manage to find everyone else, but I could sense this strange tension, mostly from Walker and Y/n—the vibes had totally changed.

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