Chapter 1 (Revival)

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"Patience is a virtue," Peter quoted some film to Brian as the two watched the "No Walk" signal turn to "Walk." A crushed Styrofoam cup tumbled by, blown by a passing car that startled the boys and prompted a wave of nearby honks. Brian clutched his backpack closer, while Peter nonchalantly placed his hands in his pockets.

"So what do you think about Mrs. Delgado?" Peter asked once they found their way back onto the sidewalk. Brian's eyebrow quirked in confusion, prompting Peter to reiterate, "The new English teacher? She's nice, but I kind of preferred Mr. Alvarez."

Brian furrowed his brow, considering. "I don't know, she just doesn't...have it?" His gaze drifted to a girl in a pink hoodie sipping from a multicolored plastic cup. If the light hit it just right, the liquid would cast a stained glass effect.

"Brian?" Peter's voice pulled him back. "Yeah? Sorry, I zoned out for a sec."

"You're really out there today, man." Peter chuckled. "Maybe all that deep thinking is frying your brain."

Brian scoffed in mock offense. "Hey, at least I have hobbies beyond gaming and movie quotes."

"Touché." Peter grinned. "I forgive you for being a misunderstood intellectual."

Peter gestured toward a stairway leading up to the bullet train station. "That's me." Brian's smile faltered slightly. "I was thinking of studying for Mrs. Delgado's exam tonight. Maybe you could come over?"

Peter turned back reluctantly. "I actually have a date lined up. But hey, I could put in a good word if she has a friend?"

Raising his hands, Brian demurred. "Ah, no need. Good luck though, seriously."

As Peter ascended the stairs, he called over his shoulder, "Thanks, man. But you really should try talking to a girl yourself. Maybe get a date or two?"

Brian rubbed his chin contemplatively. "Not a bad idea, actually."

A suited businessman jostled Brian, prompting him to shuffle along the busy sidewalks. He wove through crowds of pedestrians engrossed in their phones, oblivious to the world around them. Gazing up at a massive billboard, Brian murmured, "I wonder if anyone really sees what's in front of them?"

His words seemed to drift off, unheard amid the bustling city sounds. Yet Brian felt a newfound sense of awareness, an inkling that a different perspective awaited if he opened his eyes to it.

A midnight black mannequin in a blue and white tutu caught Brian's eye, twirling gracefully like a ballerina on a digital billboard. "Coppelia," the caption read, listing an upcoming date and venue.

Smiling, Brian snapped a photo, filing away the aesthetically pleasing image before the advertisement cycled to an energy drink promotion. His observant blue eyes tracked a passing girl who crushed an empty can before tossing it into a nearby bin. With her cropped leather jacket and tousled brown hair, she exuded a... familiar vibe.

"Maybe she's in a band?" Brian mused. "Or just a rock fan who rides a motorcycle?"

He imagined the possibilities of her life story as she strode past, utterly unaware of his curious gaze. The momentary connection sparked his imagination before his attention inevitably drifted to the next passerby.

Seeing the light reflect off a stop sign, Brian's gaze lingered on an old man holding a child's hand as they crossed the street. The sun's glare on the man's bald head made it appear he wore a shining crown. Brian watched, transfixed by the tenderness in the simple act of their intertwined hands and quiet conversation.

He squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a soft "Hm." Pulling out his phone, he opened his contacts - "Dad, Peter, Tim" the only listings besides work. His thumb hovered over Peter's name as he began typing "So what's the friend's name?" but quickly backspaced. "How do I talk to-" he started again, then deleted it with a shake of his head. "I'll figure it out later. Dinner with dad tonight anyway."

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