Chapter 5 Beneath The Orange Sun

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Lena bounces impatiently on the balls of her feet, shoulders heavy with fatigue from lack of sleep. She purses her lips, grabbing her phone to check the time - 2:00 pm. The sound of approaching footsteps makes her turn quickly, startling the boy now standing before her.

Brian flinches at her sudden movement. Lena's gaze lingers perhaps a beat too long, taking in his navy blue t-shirt, denim pants, and beat-up white Converse. A royal blue zip-up hoodie hangs open over his shoulders. He struggles to meet her eyes, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Good afternoon?" His greeting lilts up like a question, voice tinged with obvious nervousness.

Lena offers a tired smile, a hint of her usual bright energy peeking through as she gives a small wave. "Hiya, Brian! Sorry 'bout that - think I might've scared you a bit." A soft laugh escapes her lips, trying to put them both at ease. "Was just zoning out waitin' on you is all."

The warm afternoon sun filters through the trees, casting dappled shadows that play across Brian's face. He blinks rapidly, seeming to shake off his initial surprise at her intensity. An apologetic look crosses his features.

"No worries, sorry I'm late," he replies, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "Got caught up...well, just got caught up is all."

There's a momentary pause as he seems to consider something, worrying his lower lip briefly. Then his shoulders relax slightly as he meets her gaze properly. "Thanks for meeting me. Means a lot you'd take the time."

"Don't thank me, it's just nice to relax with someone," Lena says with a casual wave of her hand. "Plus, I think after our conversation earlier, I ought to repay you for the pastries."

Brian's face flushes red. "You didn't have to, Tracer."

She gives his shoulder a friendly pat, adjusting the fabric of his jacket. "Tracer to my enemies. Lena to my friends." She flashes him a warm smile. "So call me Lena."

The simple gesture and insistence on using her real name seems to put Brian more at ease. He returns her smile, a bit shyly at first, but it soon grows into a genuine grin.

"Lena it is, then." He lets the name linger on his tongue, as if testing how it feels.

In this quiet moment between the two of them, the weight of who she is - the famous Overwatch hero Tracer - seems to fall away. She's just Lena, a friend grabbing coffee with Brian.

The comfortable silence is broken as a trio of kids race past, chasing each other and shrieking with delight. Lena chuckles tiredly at their energy.

"Right then, where were you thinking for this coffee date?" She quirks an eyebrow teasingly at Brian. "Somewhere they've got the good stuff, I hope."

Brian felt himself shake as the sentence went over his head "I.. actually didn't expect you to say yes to this."

"Why's that?" she eyes him curiously.

He rubs the back of his neck again, a nervous tic. "You seemed really tired, and I wanted to talk more, but you were dozing off. I should let you rest, but..." Brian pauses, cheeks pinkening slightly. "I was really excited to see you again."

The earnest bluntness of his words makes Lena smile. She lets out a soft laugh, nudging his arm lightly. "Honesty is the best policy, and I did tell you I'd be happy to chat."

Brian returns her smile, the tension easing from his shoulders as they cross the street. Lena steps ahead of him to avoid a rushing line of pedestrians, and he can't help but notice her casual outfit - a bright orange tank top, waist-high black shorts, and white running shoes giving her the look of an off-duty track star.

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