Chapter LXI

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As the black sedan car pulled up near the chaotic scene at the dock, the wailing sirens and blaring ambulance sounds filled the night, adding to the sense of urgency and tension. The flashing lights from the emergency vehicles illuminated the area, casting an eerie glow on the unfolding events.

Xi Jinwei, the Xi Matriarch and Patriarch, along with Wang Linxue's mother, stepped out of the car, their expressions reflecting a mix of fear, concern, and horror. Their eyes scanned the chaotic scene, taking in the multiple police ships rescuing survivors from lifeboats and the water. The backdrop of a raging fire on a medium-sized ship further heightened the intensity of the situation, casting a menacing glow over the evening.

Many news outlets were also in the backdrop reporting the scene as it happened for it would be a big story tommorow.

Xi Jinwei, followed closely behind Wang Linxue's mother as they hurried towards a nearby police officer. With a tremor in her voice, she approached the officer and anxiously inquired.

" Good evening officer. My-My daughter, here is her picture. She was also on the ship. Have you seen her?"

The police officer turned to face them, his expression reflecting the gravity of the situation.

" I'm sorry ma'am.The police are still rescuing the survivors. I don't have enough information to assure you."

Fang Luman deflated at the news and she stumbled in pain. Xi Jinwei caught her in his arms and rubbed her back soothingly.

" Please don't give up hope. I'm sure she would be ok. It's Linxue, she would not just leave you behind."

Leave me behind.

Xi Jinwei let go of her and stared at his grandfather speaking very sternly at a police commander at the scene and his grandmother placating him, telling him to calm down. He clenched his fists at how powerless he was. He could only stand there and look on. He felt... pathetic.

" Fang Luman!" A man shouted amongst the chaos and Fang Luman's eyebrow raised as she saw who it was. Some of the police moved away from where they when the police commander called at them to give orders.

" What are you doing here Linkai?" She couldn't hide the shock in her voice. She couldn't believe that this heartless monster was here.

" I'm not here for you. My daughter..." He was cut off with a scoff from his ex wife.

" Your daughter? Where you not the one who left her? You divorced me and I left her to you and what did you do? You mistreated her so much she could not stay by your side. So f*ck you! She is no longer your daughter."

Wang Linkai raised his palm at her and scowled," If you want to talk about our family situation right this moment then fine. Don't act like you're innocent in all of this Fang Luman. I knew you cheated on me before we divorced but I said nothing about it because of our daughter, so stop being a hypocrite."

Fang Luman gasped in shock and Xi Jinwei could not help but raise his eyebrows in shock at the scene unfolding.

" That...that was a drunken mistake. I---"

" Oh sure, drunken mistake. That's what they call it these days. On one of your business trips you actually slept with your business partner. Nuo, isn't it? The man you're with now. Imagine the rage I bottled up all these years." He sneered but his tone softened while he continued.

" But I took the anger I had for you out on my daughter. My little baby and I regret it so much. Now look where she is. I left her to you so you could take care of her when I was been blackmailed, at my lowest, when I was angry and depressed while you were with that man. "

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