Chapter LXII( End of Arc)

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A/n: It's a short chapter

3 months later

The scent of herbs and incense wafted through the air, mingling with the gentle pitter-patter of raindrops against the windowpane. In a small, dimly lit room, a young girl lay on a modest bed, her head wrapped in bandages. Her breathing was slow and labored, interrupted by an occasional cough that echoed in the quiet space.

Beside the bed, a middle-aged woman sat, her eyes filled with worry. She gently dabbed the sweat from her cheeks. As the girl's eyelids fluttered open, the woman quickly opened the curtains a bit to allow a little light in the room though it was raining.

Confusion clouded the girl's eyes as she surveyed her surroundings. The simplistic decor of the humble hut revealed the modest means of its inhabitants. She gingerly touched the bandages on her head, wincing at the tenderness.

With a faint voice, she summoned the strength to utter her first question, "Where...Where am I?"

The woman rose from her seat, her footsteps soft against the creaking wooden floor. She approached a small, weathered phone on the wall and dialed a number with practiced familiarity. Moments later, a young man,entered the room. His worried expression mirrored his mother's as he took in the sight of the girl on the bed.

Together, mother and son stood at the foot of the bed, their gazes filled with curiosity and concern. The young man cleared his throat, breaking the silence that hung heavy in the air. "Who are you?" he asked gently, his voice a comforting murmur.

The girl's eyes darted between the two strangers, searching for answers within their earnest expressions. She hesitated for a moment, grappling with a foggy memory that seemed just out of reach. Finally, she spoke, her voice trembling with vulnerability, "I... I don't remember. I woke up here, and everything is a blur."

The woman's eyes welled up with tears once again, her maternal instincts urging her to provide comfort. She reached out and touched the girl's hand, her touch warm and reassuring. " The state my son found you in was... horrible. You were been swept along in the river ahead in our village. Luckily, my son was fishing near the river and found you. Don't you remember anything dear? Your name perhaps?"

The girl winced once more placing her hand on the back of her head but the woman pulled her back. " Don't touch it. It's still healing."

The girl nodded and stared at the woman and the young man who stared at her with pity.

" I am Song Hua. But I am best known as Madam Yang in this village. And this is my son Yang Chu. Do you remember your name?" she inquired again.

The girl furrowed her brow, searching the depths of her mind for a glimmer of recognition. But as she strained to remember, a sharp pain shot through her head, causing her to wince and clutch her temples. It felt as if her head was splitting, memories slipping through her fingers like water.

Sensing her distress, the woman quickly placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's alright,. Take your time. Don't force yourself," she said soothingly.

With a kind smile, the woman turned to her son, who had been silently observing the exchange. "Go, fetch some food for her," she instructed, gesturing towards the door. The young man nodded, his face etched with concern, and quietly left the room.

When the food was brought to her, the mother and son duo left the room and the, girl turned her attention to the plate of food that had been placed on the bedside table. Steam gently rose from the warm dish, carrying with it a comforting aroma. Her stomach rumbled, reminding her of her hunger.

As she savored each bite, the muffled sound of voices caught her attention. Straining her ears, she overheard the mother and son conversing just outside the room. Their voices were hushed, but snippets of their conversation floated through the air.

"I don't know, Ma," the son said, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "What if she's trouble? What if she brings danger to us?"

The woman's voice trembled with emotion as she responded, her words filled with a quiet determination. "She's lost. We can't turn our backs on someone in need. Besides, I feel lonely when you go fishing. Having her here would be a comfort."

" It's to bring money to the house, Ma. Especially after Pa died."

" I know Chu. And soon you are going to the military. Who will be here with me? Besides , she can decide to leave anytime she wants. No one will stop her."

The son fell silent for a moment, his thoughts swirling. Then, a sigh escaped from his lips, and he relented. "Alright, Ma. We'll keep her until she decides what she wants to do. But we must be cautious."

The girl's heart swelled with a mix of gratitude and curiosity. These strangers had opened their hearts and home to her, despite the uncertainties that loomed. She felt a glimmer of hope, a sense of belonging that she thought she had lost.

Finishing her meal, the girl placed the empty plate back on the bedside table. The mother and son reentered the room, their faces a blend of relief and anticipation. The woman's eyes softened as she approached the girl, her voice filled with warmth. "You're welcome to stay with us as long as you need. We'll help you find your way, together."

Tears welled up in the girl's eyes as she nodded, overcome with gratitude for the kindness and compassion that had been extended to her. In that moment, she knew that she had found more than just temporary shelter.

" Since you can't remember your name we will call you Yang Zhilan. I hope that's okay with you?"

The girl nodded and tested out the name on her lips. It didn't sound right or familiar but she would have to take it like that.

And so, in that small room, amidst the lingering scent of herbs and incense, the girl embarked on a new chapter of her life. With the support and care of her newfound family, she felt the flicker of hope ignite within her, guiding her towards a future where her lost memories might one day be found.


Hello dear readers. So, this is Ties and Fate's last chapter and though it is the end of the book it is not the end story. Originally,I had planned to write 3 arcs for this novel.So, I decided to cut this book short into only two arcs and write the third arc later in another book so like a sequel.

In the last arc, the characters will be grown up and then, I will be able to write better and stick to the storyline and write a good book.


Ties and Fate is my first book and prior to writing it, I had no experience in writing a novel and just went with the flow of it but it is my baby and I love it even then. Kind of like having an actual baby.

Ok, now enough with my ranting, vote and comment on this chapter guys.

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