Chapter 13

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     Smith's eyes glistened when he remembered the death of Elena Kingston, a nice human being and a good friend. "Henry was too young when he lost both his parents. He was not even given time to mourn for his mother's loss as senior Kingston was so persistent in training the next CEO.

     He was sent to various overseas manufacturing and industrial units for grassroot learning. He toiled a lot at a very young age, facing many challenges. He did home schooling and never had a normal childhood like others did. The price he paid for being the heir of Kingston empire was so high yet he chose to be kind and considerate because he was so like his mother. Mr Smith's smile showed how warm Mrs Kingston would have been thought Julie.

     Mr Smith questioned Julie how she handled Henry's aggression smoothly in the hotel washroom. She reminisced her days with autism kids in the university. She initially started off as a community service by teaching them but volunteered to do so throughout the 3 years in all her weekends and long breaks.

     "The tantrums, melt downs are part of their lives, they do not intend to hurt you, they just can't regulate their emotions. Little understanding is all it takes. If that little extra love and extra patience is going to enhance someone's condition, I would definitely do it. I feel such acts add more meaning to the life you live"

     Henry squirmed in his sleep, Julie and Smith went to the bedroom and saw him shivering. It became vigorous within a minute. The nurse checked his temperature and pulse. Julie put off the air conditioner and covered him with a blanket. She quickly went to the bathroom and brought a towel dipped in hot water and squeezed. She placed it on his chest.

     They noticed that his hand and ankle cuffs were hurting him. Julie started unbuckling them, the nurse stopped her and said "please stop we could neither control him nor treat him without the restraints" Julie lost her cool & asked madly "why do you handle him like an untameable animal?" The nurse replied "given his medical condition,he can be as dangerous as a violent animal"
"No, this is not how we are going to treat him" she turned to Mr Smith and said " sir please" "Julie we don't have a choice,we got to go by Dr's protocol" he said dejectedly. "Do you think these restraints are going to help him? no he is going to be even more aggressive, please talk to the doctor, let's do something else without these barbaric methods"
"I have seen kids who have been chained, locked up, their condition only worsened. It would be so disheartening to see the pain in their eyes, yearning for freedom and expecting some love. In turn they become rebels and they fight for attention or a chance to escape"

     Smith called up the doctor and explained the scenario. Then he gave the phone to Julie. "Listen, Julie, it is not advisable to treat the other way"dr suggested.
"Sir, I understand the difficulties but we cannot risk his health too, the restraints may deteriorate his progress"
"but no nurse will work in such condition, you have witnessed how he choked her while attending him"
"sir please let me try, if I can't handle, you can use your methods. Until then the nurse shall step down"

     "Okay then, let's stop the IV and injections. Instead I will prescribe tablets. Mr Smith said that you had experience with autism kids, there are lot of similarities in both cases but I have to warn you that dealing with a full grown man is not as easy or same as kids, it's different as the male body produces more testosterone that ends in sexual arousal. He will be very powerful and hard to control. It is more like musth in bull elephants. I would send you related articles, some cases, their symptoms and management. Vigilance and sensible handling is all it takes" the dr warned her.

     "Thank you Dr but why did he get the tremor?" "It is the psychogenic movement disorder, which happens suddenly, usually triggered by memories of traumatic events in the past.
Whenever he is high on any emotion, "Distraction" is the key, he stressed on the word. "I am just a call away, I will come see him when the results are out" with that he disconnected the call.

     Julie sat next to Henry' bed, took off the restraint cuffs and put it on the side table. She was saddened by the marks on his wrist and ankle, so she searched all the drawers next to his bed and found the first-aid box. She took out the betadine ointment and applied it on the scrapes.

     "What are you doing?" The stern voice of her boss startled her. She stopped applying it on his ankle and observed him. He turned his face to the other side and continued to sleep.

    She found no movement and resumed putting on the ointment around his ankle. "Stop it!" She froze, he did not open his eyes "Mom, stop tickling me" he began laughing. Julie never saw any handsome grown-up man laugh so heartily in such a close proximity. This brought a smile in her face too. So she tickled his feet more to prolong this beautiful sight."Mom, no!" he complained playfully. In a minute, his voice turned sad " Mom? Mom?" he paused. Julie looked at Mr Smith, whose smile also faded away. It was like a child's cry who lost his mother in the crowd.

     Julie noticed a mild shaking in his body due to the anxiety, so she rubbed both her palms and held his hand for the warmth. She hummed a slow, melodic song. He relaxed in a while and the shivering also settled in few minutes. Julie dozed of lying on the railing.

Miss Secretary takes chargeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें