Chapter 27

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This super quick update is dedicated to all my lovely impatient readers who asked for it;) you all made my day🥰


Mr Smith said "Your efficiency is at par or i should say excellent, why do you have to go to the workshop?"
"Sir, I need a breath of fresh air, please let me go"
"Let me remind you it is going to be challenging and no gadgets allowed. It is also a digital detox workshop"
Julie did not budge "Sir I am in" said confidently.

"Alright, if you insist, I will give your name to Senior Kingstons office.

THE WHAT?!?!?!


"Done"  Smith sent Julie's name for the workshop. She was lost in thoughts.
Julie was contemplating whether or not she has taken the right decision. She felt that in a rush to escape the cub she ran into the lion's den herself.

     "Sir, what should I expect from this workshop?"
"Well, it was the brainchild of Senior Kingston," Julie gulped "He had designed and formulated the concept, so you can expect tough challenges, difficult tasks that exerts your physical and mental ability and test your strength. There will be lots of engaging activities but when you come out, you will be more confident and refreshed"
That's what I want Julie thought.

      "One more thing there is a quick meeting call from CEO's office. An overseas company has been proposing a JV, Mr Kingston wants three of us to join the meeting to analyse the financial aspects of the contract. Call either Noah or Chelsea, let's go"
Julie was anxious as how to escape, since she was trying to avoid meeting Henry that way she could control her mind, meeting him would worsen her already burning desire to be around him. Looking into his radiant eyes, would break her resilience in fighting her attraction towards him. Initially, it was much easier to look at him , without being caught because he would never know that she had existed, now he would notice her easily.
It would be difficult to keep her eyes from checking him out when he was in the same room. So it would be better to lie low. After all the heated moments in the past week, her attraction has been intensified to next level, though she liked it, she did not want to, considering his wealth and stature. She did not like to mess up things. Staying away would cleanse her mind and put her thoughts on right track, so she had made up her mind to enrol in the workshop.

     She informed Noah and Chelsea about the meeting. Chelsea knew how difficult it was for Julie to control the urge to meet him as they both have a huge crush on him for a long time, but she also knew about her determination and persistence. If she had decided on something, she would fight till the end.

     Henry was getting ready for the second session of the meeting. He was completely occupied from morning, but something was off. He did not know what is pricking his mind, he could not spot the reason.

     He entered the meeting hall with Miss Jones, following his tracks, holding all the files. Everyone stood up and greeted him. He walked like a King, proceeding to the throne. Chelsea felt like he holds some magical spell that attracts everyone's attention towards him.

     Finance department had a separate round table with one empty chair next to Smith and Chelsea, as Noah was looking out for a file in the department. Henry looked towards the empty chair and his smile faded, but he managed to mask it.

     The meeting commenced, Henry kept looking at the door, expecting a certain someone to fill up the empty chair. After a few minutes, Noah filled in the empty chair. The disappointment was so evident on his face, Chelsea had noticed everything. She sensed that he too must have interest in Julie, but she can't be sure. He could have expected Julie to be in the meeting as she is one of the smartest ones, not necessary that he should have interest in her. So she decided to have her doubts to herself.

    Once the meeting was over, Henry came to them and asked, "Is Juliet alright? Where is she?" in a concerned voice. Chelsea replied, "She's fine Mr Kingston, she was held up with her previous week's pending works"
"Oh" he turned back and left with a blank face. Chelsea stood there starstruck. Looking at him so close, just clogged his mind. She cannot believe that he actually talked to her.

     She rushed down and informed Julie. Julie was too happy to know that he looked for her. She wanted to hide away as it would be easy for both of them to carry on with their their lives without unnecessary feelings.

     Still, her mind was exhilarated, knowing that even after coming clean of the drugs, he continues to look out for her. She had a feeling that only under the influence of the drugs, he was interested in her company but..." She shook her head to stop her train of thoughts.
Julie's mind kept confusing her by showing her images of good moments with him and reminding her how she could not reach the star she has been attracted to.
She got frustrated at how her mind manipulates her with pleasure and pain.

     Meanwhile, Chelsea could not stop describing her moments with the boss, "I have read about greek gods, but today I have seen it alive when he stood in front of me, I realised he is more breathtakingly handsome in person. I was too nervous and shocked to believe he was actually talking to me. I don't know how you survived when he was so close to kiss you? Girl you got more power, I would have fainted there"
"You have no idea Chels, my heart would have stopped working anytime as it was beating at its max" she chuckled.
"I will be missing you again for the next three days" Chelsea pouted.
"You know I need to do this" Chelsea nodded understanding her.

     Henry did not know why Julie skipped the meeting, as it was an open call and it doesn't feel like Mr Smith had stopped her in the name of pending works or would say her otherwise if she wanted to attend the meeting. Julie is basically quick and shrewd who doesn't need constant supervision for work completion.
By this time she would have almost finished her works. Also, there was no deadline projects as of now, so it does sound like a lame excuse for not attending.
What must be running in the beautiful head of hers?
Henry was shocked at his own mind voice. He did not realise that he had spent his last 15 minutes thinking about Julie.

     Julie and Chelsea got to the convenience store, brought some stuffs and reached Julie's apartment. She asked Chels to stay overnight to help her packing for the camp. It was conducted in the Kingston's private resort near the woods. It's a five hour drive from the city. They packed with the checklist that has been sent which had similar list like they were enlisting in the military.
"This list looks scary, guess it's gonna be next hunger games sequel"
"So I got to play Jennifer Lawrence' Kat role?" Julie asked excitedly.
"Of course, you will be the perfect Katniss, I can see you in the iconic cross braid sitting on a branch hunting something" they both laughed.
Julie packed some books to read and sketch books as gadgets were not allowed.

     Next morning Henry asked Ms Jones to call Julie to his office. In a minute, she returned and informed, "Sir, she is not in her cabin, I checked the employees biometric, she's yet to punch"
"Check whether she has applied for leave"
After checking, she replied that Julie did not apply for any. He thought to call her, but Ms Jones was waiting with some files. "What files?"
"Sir list of employees attending the workshop and their last 3 quarters performance appraisal chart"
He quickly flipped the pages with his mind still on Julie's absence and her weird behaviour.
He stopped midway when he felt like he had seen a familiar name on the list

"Juliet Rozana"

Too many questions crossed his mind, what?? why?? Did not even inform me? He turned her performance appraisal and it was all at par, then why??
Why do I have a feeling that she is trying to run away from me? Like hiding or maybe avoiding? Whatever!
If something is hidden, it need to be sought!
call it Hide & Seek or Peekaboo??
"Now that's getting interesting" Henry exclaimed rubbing his palms.
"Two can play this game, July" Henry said with a devilish grin.


* Did anyone got disappointed as you were expecting tug of war between Sr Kingston and Julie in the camp?

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