The World Comes Crashing Down

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Hopesong wouldn't say life in the

Playcare was amazing. The scientists were mean, and they weren't allowed to go outside. They would also take children, and she wouldn't see them again. However, she was content with her life. She had her family, and she made friends with the children, so even if she never got to see what the outside looked like, she would still have a smile on her face for what she has.

But this happiness soon came crashing down on August 8th, 1995. The Hour of Joy.

The day started off as it usually would, although Hopesong noted that (Y/n) didn't show up to the Playcare but reasoned that they were just sick or took the day off. Everything seemed to be normal with The Smiling Critters save Catnap going to the school and helping the Ms Delights with their classes. Hopesong was playing with the children at recess. Then alarms started going off, and red lights started blaring. She didn't understand what was going on, but she knew she had to get the children to safety.

Hopesong quickly guided the children to the emergency exits. Something Dogday had taught her was that if something happened, take the children to the emergency exits and wait for him and the other Smiling Critters. Hoppy Hopscotch and Kickin Chicken were helping children into the emergency exits before turning and looking at Hopesong "Oh thank goodness, you're here, feathers!" Hoppy Hopscotch said in relief."We gotta go! Bubba, Crafty, Piggy, and Bobby already went ahead with the kids! We have -" Kickin Chicken had exclaimed, but Hopesong stopped him."W-Wait! Where's Dogday!? Where's my papa!?" She looked around, hoping to see Dogday close by."He went to find Catnap he told us not to wait for him. Come on, kiddo! We have to leave!" Kickin Chicken said, turning and hurrying down the tunnels.

Hopesong shook her head. "W-We can't just leave him! Aunt Hoppy, what's going on!?" Hopesong pleaded, and Hoppy Hopscotch gently held her hand."Something terrible is happening in the factory. We need to leave, don't worry. I'm sure Dogday will catch up, but we have to leave now. " she sternly held Hopesongs gaze. Hopesong looked back, tears going down her face she reluctantly nodded her head. "O-ok.." she clinged to the hope that Dogday would be ok. He had to be ok. She couldn't lose him.


Dogday looked around for any sign of Catnap. He hoped he wasn't stuck in his cell left alone to die by whatever was attacking the scientists and employees. Suddenly, he saw the silhouette of the cat in the Plaza "Catnap! Thank goodness I found you! Come on, we need to leave something terrible is going-!" He was stunned into silence at the sight of Catnap standing over a bloodied body covered in the now corpses blood."Catnap...?" He mumbled in horror.

Catnap turned to Dogday mouth covered in blood. " Dogday....Rejoice! The prototype has finally freed us... Let the others join us! If they serve the prototype, they will be spared.." Dogday stared in disbelief. He was behind all this death? Why? Why would Catnap do this? "W-what!? The prototype is a monster! He started this massacre! A-and you're part of this!?" Dogday exclaimed in shock. He couldn't believe Catnap would do this.

Catnap paused, staring at Dogday. " You....Oppose the Prototype..?" Catnap couldn't understand why. He was doing this to save them. The prototype was helping them break from the shackles the scientists and employees put on them. And yet. "We all do Catnap! Stop that madness, and let's go! The others are waiting for us! Hopesong is waiting for us!" Dogday shivered at the thought of Hopesong being so scared, so confused, and he wasn't there to ease her worries.

"We never saw eye to eye....But I thought my faith would be enough...That we could be free with the others and Hopesong...Now I see you are unworthy of her innocence and kindess....You are a HERETIC" Catnap pounced on Dogday digging his claws into his stomach. Dogday yelled in pain. "Catnap what-!" Catnap leaned down closer to Dogdays face."And for that, YOU WILL BE PUNISHED," And with that Dogdays screams of agony filled the Plaza.

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