My Sunshine

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(Y/n) woke up feeling less tired, but their body ached. That was to be expected they have been running around like a headless chicken trying to avoid becoming someone's dinner. (Y/n) stretches cracking their back the movement waking up BB. "Hey BB, all rested up?" BB nodded their head and climbed back onto (Y/n)'s shoulder. They turned to look at Dogday's sleeping form and gently scratched his ears. "Come on, big guy, we gotta get moving now." (Y/n) chuckled at the whine Dogday gave at his sleep being disturbed. It was so adorable.

Dogday gave a big stretch several bones cracking for her stood up. "I'm up, angel" (Y/n) nodded. "Alright now, let's turn on that generator and get the hell out of this place." They declared, and the trio set out on finding the generator.

(Y/n) dropped into the red smoked filled office alone, Dogday and BB were outside the door since they would fall asleep from the smoke without protection. Everything seemed to be fine as they found a battery to leave the place after finding the last generator, It wasn't so difficult with (Y/n) traversing the vents and finding the generator. Dogday and BB stayed behind to make sure Catnap wouldn't bother (Y/n). They looked around for some time, needing a battery to open the way out. (Y/n) walked into a room and found the battery "Finally now let's get out of this place.." they mumbled to themselves using the GrabPack to pick up the battery, but just as they were about to step out of the room, Dogday shouted in dismay."ANGEL WATCH OUT!" It was too late. Catnap screeched and shoved (Y/n) back into the room and slammed their head against the wall, tearing off their mask and exposing them to the red smoke.

Before drifting off into a hallucinogenic dream, they heard the sounds of a door breaking open and fighting before all the sound faded away.


Dogday fought Catnap off, shoving him away with all his strength. "Leave! You can't have them, Catnap!" Catnap stared at him before getting back up."This....Isn't over...Dogday..." he hissed before scurrying away into the shadows.

Dogday growled. "Coward.." Before quickly going to the office, his angel was shoved into. BB hit the door, but it didn't budge a cabinet had fallen over blocking the door. Dogday barred his teeth and shoved all his force into the door, breaking it and moving the cabinet out of the way. Dogday looked around and saw (Y/n) on the ground unconscious. "Oh angel...I'm here." gently picked them up, checking their pulse and sighing in relief when he felt it. BB pushed the battery over to Dogday, who took it. "Let's get them out of here before Catnap changes his mind." Dogday scooped up BB, putting them on his shoulder before grabbing the battery and making his way out of the Counselors building.

(Y/n) groaned in pain and slowly sat up rubbing their head. "wha...where...?" (Y/n) looked around, seeing they were now outside. Before they could get up, Dogday hugged them. "Oh, angel! You're awake! I thought....I thought you would never wake up.." he whimpered, burying his face into their neck the best he could. (Y/n) chuckled and patted his head. "I'm ok, just a little dizzy," BB hugged them around their neck, very pleased to see (Y/n) awake.

The phone ringed and (Y/n) answered "Somethings gone wrong. Quick! Plug in the cable to the counselors office, and we need to reach a hundred percent. Good luck," Ollie said before cutting the line. (Y/n) sighed, "Alright, gang, let's get that cable plugged in and get that gas production zone changed up." (Y/n) got up BB climbing back on their shoulder, and the trio got to work.

The energy meter finally reached one hundred percent, and Ollie sent a large battery so they could power the Gas Production Zone. As the three made their way there (Y/n) paused, making Dogday stop, "Angel? What's wrong?" They took a deep breath and sighed."Catnap will try and kill us if we try to reroute the gas if that happens... we will have to stop him... Will you be ok fighting him again?" They were mostly concerned with Dogday potentially losing it and doing something he regretted knowing he still had a lot of rage and grief.

Dogday was quiet before sighing, "Angel...I'm not sure if I'll be able to not go too far while keeping him at bay... After everything... After he took everyone I cared about away... But for your safety, I will make sure to control myself... I promise, " (Y/n) smiled, and hugged Dogday."Ok I just don't want you doing something you'll regret" Dogday blushed a bit and hugged his angel back "I know thank you for thinking about me...And taking care of me...You really are my angel sent from heaven" (Y/n) blushed and huffed "Alright smooth talker let's focus on getting that gas rerouted" Dogday laughed and the three continued to the Gas Production Zone. Ready to face Catnap and end this deep sleep.


(Y/n) shot their green hand at the overcharged station and looked at Dogday and Catnap fighting. Dogday had kept Catnap away from (Y/n) until Catnap finally pinned him down. "You thought you could stop me....I'm going to make suffer... Just like your precious daughter..." (Y/n) growled."Hey asshole! Leave him alone!" They yelled, and Catnap turned to them running at them."DIE RAT" (Y/n) gritted their teeth. "Eat this!" The green hand shot off the GrabPack hitting Catnap. Catnap shrieked at the sudden surge of electricity falling to the ground. It reached for (Y/n) red smoke, leaving his mouth bit the smoke ignited and set him ablaze.

(Y/n) watched in horror as Catnap burned. Dogday stayed close to them, watching his former companion thrash around. Then, a metal hand reached down from a hole in the ceiling, offering its hand to Catnap. Catnap struggled to his feet, getting into a position of worship. Dogday knew immediately what was happening. "WAIT CATNAP DON'T" Dogday tried to persuade him, but it was too late.

The prototype skewered Catnap in the mouth, instantly killing him. It curled its metal fingers and dragged Catnap up. "I'll be seeing you soon" (Y/n) was silent for some time before looking at Dogday, who looked conflicted. They patted his head, and he sighed. "Thank you, angel....I'll be ok" (Y/n) nodded and got up "alright let's get this over with so we can leave," they said softly, petting his head comfortingly.


KissyMissy brought Poppy down from where she was perched. She had just revealed the Hour of Joy to (Y/n), and it was horrific. It was worse than what they thought every one of their coworkers were killed, then eaten. They felt nauseous but kept it together. Then, a thought occurred to them.

"Hold on, BB" (Y/n) looked at BB, who was resting on their shoulder and gently held BB in their hands. "You said a friend was taking care of you and that you and your friend are from the labs. Before we continue, I think you should tell us who this friend of yours is and if they can be trusted." Dogday nodded."It would give us an idea of how much they know," Dogday added.

Poppy hummed. "That would be helpful to know beforehand just in case," BB looked at them before nodding. It was time they knew the truth. BB jumped down from (Y/n)'s hand and went to Kissy Missy requesting to be picked up near the VHS recorder. Kissy obliged, and once BB was up, they pulled down their zipper and took out a VHS tape. It took The Hour of Joy tape out and put the black VHS tape in.

The TV screen flickered, and static filled the screen until an image came through the static which stunned everyone into silence, especially Dogday. A young plush toy pegasus half the height of Dogday smiled in joy. "BB! The camera worked its recording! Haha! I did it!" The young toy was nearly bouncing for joy. She cleared her throat and looked at the camera with one green eye "Hello whoever is watching this, I'm Hopesong Pegasus. The youngest of The Smiling Critters."

His sunshine was alive

Now, the truth is revealed, and now the clock must rewind for what happened during those ten years in the lab?

Before Joy there was HopeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin