34 ~ His long lost love

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I could feel my sight turning blurry infront of my eyes. He wiped my tears slowly and opened the diary for me.

As I was turning the pages, my breathe was turning heavy.
Each page had a something written in it with particular dates starting from,
Dear Aisha and ending from Your Vivaan.

I was shocked, happy, sad and all the kinds of feelings that one could feel was hitting the socket of my brain.

My eyes fell on one of the page on which the ink seemed to be skilled as if water had fallen on it,

"My Dearest Aisha,

As I sit here with pen in hand, I find myself at a loss for words to adequately express the depth of my admiration for you. From the moment our paths first crossed in the corridors of our school, I was captivated by your grace, your intelligence, and your kindness.

You may not have noticed me then, but I watched from afar, entranced by your every movement and gesture. Your laughter echoed like music in the halls, and your smile illuminated even the darkest of days.

Though we may walk different paths now, know that you remain ever-present in my thoughts and in my heart. I long for the day when I can stand before you, gaze into your eyes, and tell you all that you mean to me.

Until then, know that I am yours, now and forever.

With all my love,


My hands trembled slightly as I turned pages of the diary, my eyes scanning the handwritten words with a mix of surprise and curiosity. Each entry felt like a window into Vivaan's soul, revealing depths I never knew existed. Few pages skip,

"Dear Aisha,

I really miss you. You and my Nani maa were the only two persons whom I was connected with.

I got seperated from you and today my Nani maa left me alone in this world.
I cried so much Aisha. I wished you were here, I would have hugged you tightly and I know you would have made me forget all my pains.

I miss seeing you Aisha. I miss your presence around me. I miss your scent around me. The scent of lavender.
I miss everything about you Aisha.

Yours only,

I looked up at him and his eyes were teary too. This is the first time, I saw tears in his eyes. His grandmother left the world. The only one who cared for him? Left the world.

Wiping my tears, I turned some more pages to read another one,

"Dear Aisha,

It been two months since Nani maa passed away and two years since I left you.

I don't know whether you miss me or not or even remember me or not. Or whether you have fallen for someone else. Or someone else has fallen for you.

I really wish to see you from front but I know that's not possible.
Today, was the last day of your board exams, I know you'll excel in it because you're my girl and I know that you can do anything you want.

Soon, you'll enter into a new phase of life. I know that will be difficult Aisha because I'm facing it right now.

But I also know that you're far more smarter than me.

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