Chapter 1: Heaven, Hell, Exorcists, and Overlords - Part 1

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(3rd Pov Izuku)


Quirks that are an ability that manifested hundreds of years ago. The first sign of quirks was a glowing baby born in Quing Quing, Cina. Now roughly eighty percent of the world's population possess a quirk. Quirks can be anything from making ice to floating in the air.

Sitting in a car was a boy. His name is Izuku Midoriya. Izuku was four years old. He has short, curly green hair. His eyes were large and green and on either cheek was a set of four symmetrical freckles positioned in the shape of a diamond.
There were two things Izuku was already happy to hear about: quirks and heros. One day Izuku hopes to get his quirk - which should appear in a few days or weeks - and become a hero. He favorite hero was All Might. Japan's number one hero who has been keeping peace ever since his debut years ago.

He and his mother were on their as home from the grocery store when there was a villain attack. Most people would be annoyed at the slow traffic, or running away scared from the villain. But there were a few who enjoyed watching the heroes in action. Izuku was one of these people.

The car they were in was currently stuck on an overpass, along with multiple other cars. To the right, Izuku could see a pro hero fighting a villain down on the ground. The overpass they were on led to the intersection where the two were fighting. That was the reason everyone was stopped, but Izuku didn't care.
The green hair atop his head bobbed up and down as he did, an excited smile on his face. Inko, his mother, could only smile at the boy. 

Inko was a caring mother, and loved her son dearly. Inko was a slim woman, and - like her son - had greens eyes and hair. Although her hair is much longer and held up in a ponytail-like fashion.
Her husband, Hisashi, died a few months before Izuku was born. So Izuku never met his father, but that didn't stop Inko from telling Izuku about him. 

Hisashi was a hero, and a good one, too. He was the blazing hero, Dragon - and a sidekick of Endeavor's, the number two hero in all of Japan. His quirk was call fire breath. The name was pretty self explanatory. On paper, his quirk wasn't that good. But the was he used it was described to be amazing. He would jump through the air, using his fire to boost him. Create shapes with his flames, and many other things.

But back to the fight.

The hero that was fighting was none other than the pro hero Yoroi Musha. Yoroi wore samurai-like armor - a black samurai helmet with a yellow crest, a large piece of black plated armor adorned each shoulder and reached down past his arms, and a large billowing red cape, at his side was the an empty katana scabbard - he held the blade in his hands.  And sticking out of the front of his helmet where his mouth was, was a large, fluffy white beard.

His quirk was called sharp eye. It allowed him to see a great distance away and still perfectly see, but the hero used it better when he was close to someone. He could see almost every bit of them, like looking through a large telescope, allowing him to pick out every weak-point on his enemies.

The villain he was facing looked like a normal person, but his arms were the exception. They were large - three times the size of a normal arm, but not in length. They were scaly and green and tough. At the end of each arm, was a clawed, three-finger hand.

The two would fight for a while. The villain mostly threw cars and dumpsters, while Yoroi would cut them in half or dodge. The former would throw in a puch every now and then, but they would never hit the hero. Yoroi couldn't attack the man either. His age was starting to catch up to him, and his blade couldn't cut through the villain's scaled arms.

"Go Yoroi!" Izuku cheered through the car window, which he had rolled down.
"Izuku, please roll the window up," Inko said, worriedly. She always got stressed out when villain fights got this close to them - this one was about a block away. She knew her son enjoyed watching heroes, but their encounters with villains often got dangerous. She had heard stories of bad villain attacks, and she didn't want Izuku to be by one when it happened.

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