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After a long and exhausting night of partying everyone in the Hotel seemed to be sleeping in, having too much of a hangover to be able to function properly. Still, the demons did not party as much as they would've liked, since Charlie put an end to the party in order to show [Y.N] that they have self control.

The angel, being the only one awake, was currently getting dressed for the day ahead. She still needed that phone, and she always loved to go on walks while in Heaven, breathe in the fresh air... does Hell also have fresh air?

She locked her room and walked downstairs to the lobby, the quietness of the hotel mixed with the dimly lit room made her a little uneasy, as she got a creeping feeling that she wasn't as alone as she thought she was. The lobby looked like a mess, empty bottles and rows upon rows of glasses on the tables, the pillows that normally sit on the couches were all over the place and one of them even ripped. As she stood in front of the door, ready to leave, she turned around to wave her hand as rays of light started travelling around the lobby, putting everything back where they should be, fixing some broken objects and putting the now cleaned dishes away.

She smiled to herself, and as she turned around once more to open the door and leave, she met eye to eye with Alastor, who was leaning down to be on her level, eyeing her with his signature smile. The sudden contact scared the angel enough to jump back and gasp. "Oh, Alastor! Good morning! You're awfully quiet, aren't you?" The angel asked with a smile, her heart beating fast from the scare.

Alastor laughed. "What a good morning indeed, my sweet angel. Where are you headed, so early in the day, without company?" He spoke fast and theatrically, something that the angel found pleasant since she has not met anybody as dramatic as Alastor.

"I was about to take a walk down to the city to try and buy a phone for myself, oh! Would you like to come with me? If it's not too much trouble." The angel asked as the radio demon carefully listened.

"A phone, hm?" The man thought for a second but quickly he exclaimed excitedly. "But of course! I shall come with you, angel. We wouldn't want you to get lost now, would we?" He opened the door with one hand, waiting for her to come outside.

"Thank you! This means a lot." The angel walked out the door and waited for Alastor to catch up, so they walked side by side.

Besides it being morning, the sky was still red, which the angel found curious and she begun asking questions to Alastor. Questions that would help her understand this underworld better, so she could do her research better.

"So..." The small one thought for another question. "Why are you down here? You are such a sweet person!" Alastor looked down at the angel, his smile widening in a disturbing way.

"I don't think you want to know the reason I ended up down here, besides, I'm not the one looking to redeem myself." He waved his cane around dramatically as the angel nodded.

The two were currently walking down the street, passing by multiple shops and buildings, for the angel it seemed as though it was a ghost town. When she heard that Adam and his army come down to exterminate demons because of overpopulation, she thought the streets would be bustling with life, a person in every corner. But right now, it seemed as though Alastor and the angel were the only two people in Hell, a little disappointing, since [Y.N] would've loved to meet the locals.

But unknowingly to her, there were multiple demons currently staring at the two, with confused, scared and malicious feelings. It's not every day they see the radio demon walking down the street, and they have never seen a real angel either. Everybody could tell the girl did not belong here in Hell, her angelic wings and the white glow she emitted fascinating everybody around.

"Maybe everyone is still asleep..." She spoke, thinking out loud.

"I'm sure they are." Alastor turned his head around to see multiple demons piled onto each other trying to sneak a peek at the two, as the sclera of his eyes turned black, his deer horns growing wider. That seemed to scare the sinners enough that they ran away, stumbling over each other.

Unbeknownst to Alastor, there was someone else watching them from afar, three overlords, one of them especially pissed off at the videos his cameras showed.

"How the fuck is there an angel here and why is it walking around with this fucker!?" Vox slammed his fists down on his desk, earning an eye roll from Velvette who was sitting beside him.

"Before you go throwing a tantrum, calm down and let's think what we can do about this." She paused for a second, thinking about how she's missing an employee because a certain moth decided to tear up her best model. "I call dibs."

Valentino spoke up, putting his gun down on the table. "Are you kidding? You know how much money this bitch could make me? A hopeless, innocent angel getting dominated by some dirty sinners, now that-"

Vox interrupted. "Nobody is calling dibs, besides... We could all share." He rolled his eyes. "Now, how are we going to keep tabs on her? If she's staying at the hotel, and she's protected by this irrelevant dickhead, it's gonna be impossible." 

"I think that problem has been solved, actually." Velvette scrolled on her phone, pointing at one of the screens that showed the girl entering a VoxTek store.

The two men followed and watched as the girl excitedly greeted the demon in front of the cash register, who trembled uncontrollably in fear. Then she went over to one of the desks which displayed many versions of a phone one could buy, all VoxTek brand. Alastor spoke to the angel, a little concerned.

"Now, my angel, are you sure you want this phone? I could inform you of all the relevant daily news with my radio broadcast! Wouldn't you prefer that, instead of this tiny pesky picture box?" He spoke, with a bit of disgust showing in his voice.

"Yes! I think making pictures or videos could prove as better proof than just words when I finally present how sinners deserve a second chance. Besides, I'm not great with physical maps and this could help me not get lost when I leave the hotel." The littler one spoke excitedly, holding a box in her hand where her new phone was.

"You want to go outside the hotel more?" Alastor watched as the angel browsed some cases so she could protect her new device. "Dear, Hell is still a dangerous place, especially for someone of your origin. It would be unwise to leave without protection, and with me by your side, you won't need to know the way back home."

The angel picked a case of her favorite color, and walked to the register, putting her items down. "Everyone I met so far has been awfully sweet! People can't be that bad." She smiled as the clerk scanned her items. "Oh, shoot! I forgot you have different currency here."

The girl looked down towards the ground with a disappointed look in her face and he sighed briefly. "Worry not, dear angel, I am sure this... kind man is willing to give you these items here free of charge."

[Y.N] turned her face to look at the clerk, raising her eyebrow. "I'm afraid I can't-" The demon behind the counter started.

Alastor looked at the clerk with a predatory look in his eye, his demon form revealing itself again as shadowy black tentacles emerged behind him with a green glow. The eerie sound of a microphone screeching made the angel turn around, but the radio demon was fast enough to return to his usual form before she saw him.

"Y-yes... Of course!" The clerk chuckled nervously as he put the two items in a paper bag. "Anything for the lovely lady." He handed over the bag with his hands shaking violently, as he just got a glimpse of a second death.

"Aw, that is so kind of you!" The small angel took the bag, her wings fluttering excitedly, earning the attention of the demon standing behind her. "See, Alastor, everybody is just so nice!"

The three overlords sat listening to the conversation, a black screen on display as the phone the girl purchased was still in the box. A mischievous smile plastered on Vox's screen as he shared a look with Valentino, Velvette scrolling mindlessly on her phone. He spoke up, his voice deep and menacing.

"We just need to wait for this smiling freak to slip up, and the angel will be ours."

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