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A couple days have passed since Alastor talked to the angel in the hallway, filling her with the troublesome emotion of doubt. And ever since then, he was nowhere to be seen, it was as if he disappeared. But unsurprisingly, nobody went looking for him.

Her mind was struggling to find peace again, the combination of what the radio demon said and the fact that she stayed in Hell for way longer than any angel had before. Writing to Adam each night, she hid her true emotions and never spoke of Alastor, trying not to worry the protective man.

Truthfully, she missed home. The cool breeze on sunny days that would make her cheeks red, the smiling faces of everyone enjoying themselves, she missed her friends, she missed Adam. But she knew she was sent down to Hell on a mission, and she wasn't going to back down simply because she felt nostalgic.

Today was a special day, the king of Hell finally cleared his schedule enough to visit the hotel and everyone planned a party, celebrating the progress they've made with the angel. [Y.N] was nervous to meet the fallen angel, but also excited, maybe she would finally get answers to the questions that boggled her mind these last days.

"Are you doing alright?" Husk asked, leaning on the bar counter after he watched the angel order some water, just to stare blankly in front of her. "What's on your mind?"

He was worried about her, maybe the only one that was. That day he was also passing through the hallways to walk to the lobby, seeing how Alastor spoke to the short girl. But he decided not to intervene as to not get reminded of his position again by the radio demon.

"Hm? Yes, everything is alright, Husk." She replied with a warm smile. "I'm a little nervous for Lucifer's arrival, that's all."

He nodded, deciding not to pry any further. But a negative emotion lingered in his mind, he had a feeling something bad would happen today, making him uneasy.

A knock on the door was heard, soon after Charlie opened the door and hugged her dad tightly, welcoming him in. Immediately, the angel stood upward, her shoulders tense as she watched from a distance.

"Hello, everyone! Nice to see you again." He smiled brightly, greeting everyone in the room until his eyes fell upon the angel.

The stories raced through her mind, stories about Lucifer being a traitor, how his horrible deed could only be punished by something as bad as Hell. But as she looked at him, she couldn't help but get a warm feeling inside of her. He didn't seem like a bad person, on the contrary, he seemed quite charming. She walked closer to him, as did he.

"It's lovely to finally be meeting you." He extended his hand with a smile.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Your Majesty." She spoke formally and with grace, extending her hand as well as he grabbed hers gently, bringing it up to his face and planting a soft kiss on the back of her hand.

He was charming, indeed. The soft look on his face and the way his touch lingered on her hand causing a blush to form on her cheeks. All the anxiety from the thoughts of him being this horrible being left her mind, now replaced with a sudden curiousness as to what kind of person he actually was, and what happened all these millennia ago.

He let go of the angel's hand and turned around to face the rest of the demons. "Well, let's get this party started!" The group cheered, the two small demons, Razzle and Dazzle dashing to turn on the music and the party lights. Meanwhile, the king of Hell got closer to the angel, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You wouldn't mind if we talked, right?"

She shook her head 'no' in response and let Lucifer lead her somewhere far away from the group, where they stood face to face. The angel fiddled with her fingers a bit, not knowing exactly what to say and feeling a little overwhelmed by his presence.

"I'm really happy that you're here for the hotel, it's a step I was trying to take for such a long time but nobody would ever listen to me." He sighed.

"Charlie really fought for this to happen, I bet you're a very proud father." She smiled, glancing over to the mentioned girl who was dancing with her girlfriend.

Lucifer followed her eyes and smiled to himself. "I am... very proud." He grabbed a nearby wine bottle, pouring two glasses and handing one to the angel. "Oh, I'm sorry, do you drink? Or..."

"Just a little." She chuckled, taking a sip of the wine, cringing at the taste first but then letting the fruity liquid go down her throat.

"Ugh, Heaven's rules, am I right?" He laughed, also taking a sip after he put the bottle down. "Something I always hated, everyone being so judgmental and tense all the time, trying not to break one of the million regulations set up to 'protect them'."

She nodded, despite disagreeing with the man beside her. The rules have never been a chore to her, although recently she found herself questioning them. "Can I ask you something, Your Majesty?" She asked, putting her glass down.

"Please, just call me Lucifer, ask away." He smiled towards her.

"Could you tell me what really happened...? The reason you're now a fallen angel, why Hell was created?" She looked at his face, where he now looked to the ground with a tiny frown. "I'm sorry if this is a sensitive subject, I-"

"No, it's alright, I think you should know." He smiled, taking another long sip of wine before bringing his glass down. "You probably think I'm some horrible monster, but I am nothing of the sort."

She listened attentively to his story, how he was always different than the other angels, with fantastical ideas that were deemed dangerous by the other angels. He was forced to watch as they created Adam and Lilith from the dust of Earth, making both of them equal. But even then, Adam demanded control which made Lilith flee the garden. Lucifer found her and the two rebellious dreamers fell in love, wishing to share this gift of free will with humanity, they offered the fruit of knowledge to Eve, who gladly accepted. But with this single act of disobedience, evil found itself into Earth and a realm of darkness was created. As punishment for this act, the two were sent down to the realm, never allowing them to see the good that came from humanity.

Once he finished speaking, [Y.N] couldn't utter a single word. This story made everything click together, and she could finally believe it. A sudden uneasiness forming in her mind, was everything Alastor said true, then?

"I am... really sorry to hear that, it must have been really hard for you." She held his hand with both of hers, looking at him with a worried look. "You only wanted to do something good, but you got punished like this... That's just, terrible." 

Lucifer couldn't believe what he was hearing, this was the first time an angel shared any compassion with him, since the dawn of time. He held her hands, looking into her eyes deeply as hers seemed to water, her pupils dilating. She pulled away, clearing her throat and blinking a couple times.

"Does that mean that... Heaven is flawed?" She asked, dropping her head to the ground, causing the halo on her head to drop a bit, as well.

He grabbed her chin with one hand, tilting it upwards gently so she would look back at him. "Do you really believe Heaven is flawless?" Lucifer asked, his thumb softly caressing her cheek for comfort, their eyes locking.

As she looked into his eyes she couldn't help but feel lost. It all became apparent to her, the lack of choice, the absence of free will, like puppets dancing to the strings of The Creator. She was made to worship, but never question, it all seemed more like a prison than a paradise.

"I... should go." She pulled away from him, fixing her halo in the process. "Thank you, Lucifer." She gave him a smile before making her way back to her room.

Unbeknownst to them both, a demon was observing and carefully listening to the conversation from the shadows, grinning menacingly as he watched the angel's despair ridden face. Everything was going according to his plan, and surprisingly, Lucifer did more than just help.

Soon, her soul will belong to him.

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