Renuka's fear

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Renuka Sharma and Akash Sharma carefully transported their unconscious son Adharv to the rooftop on a stretcher, they were accompanied by Mr. Aansh and Dr. Tyler. The urgency of the situation weighed heavily on them as they made their way to the rooftop, where they hoped to flee to a safer place. Every step was fraught with tension and concern as they navigated through the facility, their minds racing with the impending threat and the need to protect their son at all costs.

As they reached the rooftop, three guards assigned by Felix awaited them, armed and ready to assist in their protection. With their help, Renuka Sharma, Akash Sharma, Dr. Tyler, and mr Aansh quickly ascended to the rooftop.

Mr. Aansh immediately communicated with the chopper arranged for their safe journey. The contact from the chopper responded, indicating that they were just four minutes away from reaching their destination. Time was of the essence as they awaited the arrival of the chopper, hoping for a swift and safe departure from the facility.

Amidst the chaos, Adharv remained unconscious, oblivious to the intense situation unfolding around him.

Renuka, feeling the urgency, urged Aansh to expedite their departure. She couldn't endure staying in the midst of the turmoil any longer. Akash Sharma tried to pacify her, assuring that the chopper was en route and they would evacuate the premises swiftly.

However, Renuka's worries weren't quelled. She expressed her concern for her son, a sentiment deeply rooted in a past filled with apprehensions. Akash Sharma, attempting to maintain order, advised her to compose herself.

Aansh, attempting to provide reassurance, informed them that the chopper was traveling at maximum speed. Akash Sharma, making a firm decision, declared that he wouldn't be joining the evacuation. His commitment to his experiments superseded all else, leaving Renuka distraught.

In her frustration, Renuka confronted Akash Sharma, accusing him of prioritizing money over their son's well-being. Akash Sharma, unmoved, justified his decision, emphasizing the importance of his ongoing experiments and subjects. And what's going to happen right now.

"I don't care anymore, do what you what i need to protect my child. I can't lose him too," says Renuka firmly, her maternal instincts overriding any other concerns.

The guards receive a communication from Mr. Felix about the chopper's imminent arrival, prompting them to relay the information to the others.

Renuka's relief is palpable as she anticipates their escape from the perilous situation.

However, her relief is short-lived as the guards inform them via walkie-talkie about the appearance of the wolf at the entrance. Renuka's anxiety resurfaces as she realizes the impending danger.

"The chopper, we can't use that to escape. Adam, he is here," Renuka declares, her voice laced with fear.

Akash Sharma questions her, puzzled by her sudden change in demeanor. He reminds her about the chopper she had requested, emphasizing their chance for escape.

But Renuka's response is filled with apprehension. "What chopper? That won't even enter this place. Akash, you don't know Adam like I do. He is dangerous," she warns, her tone grave with concern.

She firmly held the stretcher carrying Adharv, prepared to evacuate him by any means necessary.

Akash Sharma and the others watched in shock and confusion as Renuka's actions defied their plans for escape.

"What are you doing, Renuka? The chopper's here," Akash Sharma exclaimed, bewildered by her sudden change in course.

The distant sound of the chopper's approach could be heard from the rooftop, raising hopes of a swift escape.

However, their hopes were dashed as the chopper was suddenly struck, its propellers damaged. It spiraled out of control, crashing to the ground in a fiery explosion.

The stunned onlookers turned to Renuka, seeking an explanation for the unexpected turn of events.

"I told you, Adam is dangerous," Renuka declared solemnly.

Gunshots continued to echo from below, causing the guards to tense up, their hands tightening around their weapons.

Akash Sharma's voice cut through the tension, questioning, "What's happening down there?"

A guard replied promptly, "Captain has ordered to kill those wolves."

Just then, a message crackled through the walkie from Felix, urging everyone on the rooftop to retreat into the building immediately. He also mentioned that he was on his way to meet up with them.

Renuka urgently pleaded with the group, "Please, everyone, we need to get off this roof now. We could hide in that room."

But Akash Sharma interjected firmly, "No."

Renuka persisted, "It's the only place where he would hesitate to come."

Akash remained resolute, saying, "you can stay there with your son but don't except me to accompany you.

The guards urged them to move quickly into the building, their concern evident in their expressions.

Dr. Tyler, Mr. Aansh, and the guards swiftly made their way inside, leaving Renuka Sharma increasingly tense as time passed.

They moved swiftly through the stairs, then piled into the lift, and ascended to the floor where Renuka had indicated the room was located. Along the way, the guards maintained communication with their captain, Felix, informing him of their destination.

As the lift doors opened, Renuka and Akash stepped out, followed by Mr. Aansh and Dr. Tyler, who carefully maneuvered Adharv's stretcher. The guards formed a protective circle around them as they made their way to the designated room.

As they hastened toward the designated room, their footsteps echoing down the well lit corridor, they encountered Felix, who had rushed to meet them.

Akash Sharma's voice was edged with urgency as he demanded, "What the hell is happening, Felix?"

Felix's response was firm. "Don't concern yourselves with the chaos outside. Leave that to me and my men. Your priority should be getting out of here."

Renuka's voice trembled with apprehension as she voiced her concerns to Felix. "Felix, we can't just abandon this place. Adam is orchestrating this. He's trying to trap us all within these walls."

Felix's reassurance was unwavering as he turned to Renuka. "Don't worry, Miss Renuka. I've given you my word—your family won't meet harm today."

Renuka's sense of urgency intensified as she pleaded with Felix to heed her request. "Felix, we need to hide Adharv in a room where Adam won't find him."

Felix's brows furrowed in confusion as he questioned Renuka's motives. "But why do we need to hide Adharv?"

Renuka's response was filled with conviction. "There are many reasons, Felix. If he regains consciousness and learns of what's happening with Jewels, he might act recklessly out of love."

They followed Renuka to the room she had mentioned—the exact same room where adharv previously encountered the little girl.

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