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"Jewels, Jewels, wake up," Melissa gently prodded her younger sister, urging her to rise from her slumber. Seated on the edge of the bed, she lightly tapped Jewels' cheek, hoping to coax her into wakefulness.

"What's the matter?" Jewels groggily inquired, rubbing her eyes as she slowly came to consciousness.

"Get up and get ready for breakfast," Melissa instructed firmly, straightening up from the bed.

Jewels felt a twinge of annoyance at her sister's persistent maternal role. "Did Mom come home last night?" she questioned, her voice tinged with disappointment.

"No, and she won't be back today either," Melissa replied somberly, her words dampening Jewels' spirits.

With a resigned sigh, Jewels dragged herself out of bed and headed for a quick shower before descending the stairs. To her relief, she found her uniform neatly pressed and her lunch packed, courtesy of her diligent sister.

Clad in her freshly donned uniform, Jewels settled at the dining table, her hunger finally awakening her feisty spirit. "Melons, where's my food?" she called out teasingly, eliciting a playful glare from Melissa as she emerged from the kitchen with two plates in hand.

Placing a plate before Jewels and another for herself, Melissa couldn't help but scold her sister for the nickname. "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me 'melons'?" she chided, her tone laced with affectionate exasperation.

Despite the gentle reprimand, the two sisters shared a moment of laughter as they sat down together to enjoy their breakfast.

After locking up their house, Jewels and Melissa made their way to Jewels' school in a rickshaw. Along the journey, Melissa informed Jewels that she would be out late that night, as she planned to attend a movie with her college friends. She suggested that Jewels stay over at her best friend's house after school.

Jewels' face lit up with excitement at the prospect of spending extra time with her beloved friend, relishing the thought of a break from her sometimes overbearing sister. As they arrived at the school, Melissa escorted Jewels to her classroom before seeking out her best friend's mother.

Explaining the situation, Melissa asked if Jewels could stay with them for a short time after school, to which the understanding mother readily agreed. With arrangements made, Melissa bid farewell and departed in the same rickshaw that had brought them, leaving Jewels to anticipate the afternoon ahead with her dear friend.

After lunchtime, as Jewels sat in her classroom daydreaming about the fun she'd have with her friend after school, a staff member from the office entered the room, whispering something to the teacher. The teacher's expression darkened as she received the news.

Approaching Jewels' desk, the teacher gently instructed her to pack her belongings, informing her that her sister was waiting downstairs to pick her up. Confused, Jewels questioned the timing, knowing that Melissa was supposed to be occupied with plans for the evening. Despite her protests, the teacher insisted, leaving Jewels with no choice but to comply.

As Jewels glanced back at her best friend, a sense of unease settled over her as she gathered her things. The staff member took hold of her bag, leading her downstairs where she was met with the unexpected sight of her sister waiting for her.

Melissa's demeanor was notably different from her usual cheerful self; her face was drawn and devoid of its usual brightness, her eyes clouded with worry. Wordlessly, she retrieved Jewels' bag from the staff member, signaling for them to leave.

Jewels couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension as they made their way home in silence, sensing that something was amiss, despite Melissa's attempts to maintain a facade of normalcy.

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