Chapter 29

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This was a fun chapter to write >:3


I awoke almost as soon as I fell asleep, feeling a little less crazed by negativity. I was on the ground, so I sat up, rubbing my head a little.

I looked around to see what was going on around me. I saw Sam and Mathias sit up, as well.

Night was sitting cross-legged on the ground by us. He smiled softly. Hello. Welcome back, Y/N. And welcome to our universe, you two.

Sam opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. She frowned, looking at me with confusion.

I smiled, startling her with my voice as I thought loudly. Much like dreaming, you can't speak physically in them. Push your thoughts forward. Basically, think loudly.

Mathias looked around before glancing over at me and Night. Where...are we?

Sam tested out her thinking-aloud voice. This is...a nice forest.

I chuckled lightly, standing up. I helped Sam up as Mathias got up on his own. Where we are exactly, I don't know. But I can lead us back to the source of the problem.

It might be best to test your powers before rushing into battle. Night said gently.

Right...I do wonder what your guys' powers are. Mine is just a knife, though it comes in some different forms.

How do we see what our powers are? Sam asked.

Well, try summoning your souls first. They can guide you from there.

Focus on forming your soul in front of you. It'll appear on its own when you're in danger, but you have to focus a little to make it appear otherwise.

They did so, focusing on themselves. Sam gave a little gasp as her soul appeared in front of her. Mathias looked curious as his appeared in front of him.

Now, let your soul guide you. It'll create your weapon for you.

I've always wondered why mine turned out to be a knife.

Night shrugged.

Mathias watched his soul before lightly touching it. He pulled his hand away, squinting slightly. What's this weird bar in my vision?

Sam looked at Mathias before doing the same. She also pulled her hand back, looking at me.

Ah, that would be your health bar. Kinda like in video games! What's the number it's saying?

20 out of 20.

Mine says the same. 20 out of 20 what?

HP, or health points. 20 means your souls are pure and you haven't killed anyone. My health is different. It's 46.

Sam looked confused. But you yourself haven't killed anyone.

I sighed sadly. My body was the cause of deaths. That transferred to my soul. That means I'm stronger than you two, but not in a good way.

Mathias looked down at his hand, tilting his head slightly. Suddenly, a deep blue, translucent gun appeared in his hands. He held it easily, studying it. I noticed that his soul had given off a small pulse prior to the gun appearing.

Sam watched her own soul, silently thinking. She cupped her soul in her hands like she was cradling it. Her soul gave a small pulse, and a translucent green shield appeared on her left arm and...a similarly translucent green frying pan appeared in her right hand. She looked perplexed. What, am I gonna cook them something poisonous? How does a frying pan help?

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