Chapter 33

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I blinked open my eyes sleepily, feeling the hard wood of the tree against my back. I was quite glad I didn't move in my sleep anymore since the whole "going brain-dead" thing started. Otherwise, I would've been feeling soft grass in my face instead.

I stretched a little, letting out a heavy sigh.

It was morning and I felt the sunlight sift through the leaves to hit my face.

I let my mind wander for a moment, thinking about the past...2 weeks? 3 weeks? How long has it been? It felt like months...

Either way, I thought about all the shenanigans that occurred with everyone. All the fights, the talks...

I shook my head slightly. I had to imagine an hard could that be? Right?


...I had no clue where to start.

How the heck does one create a whole freaking universe??

I wish I could help, but we don't have as much power in that regard as you do.

It's okay...I just wish I knew where the frick to start.

Night went silent as I let my mind drift again.


I was startled from my thoughts, and almost from the tree, by some nearby laughter of...children.

"Kids, don't run too far!" Someone called. Likely a parent of these kids.

I glanced down from my hiding spot among the leaves to see some children running. I tensed as they paused under my tree, panting some.

"I win!" A little girl exclaimed, her excitement and pride radiating off her like a heat haze.

Eugh...positivity. It felt really uncomfortable, especially so close by.

The oldest-looking of the 3, the boy, huffed. "That's cuz you got a head start, cheater!"

The girl giggled, pointing at the second oldest who was a girl. "At least I wasn't in last, Austin! You just lost to a couple of girls!"

The boy, Austin, groaned. "Shut uuuuup..."

The kids all laughed a bit, making me grit my teeth. Part of me enjoyed the laughter of children, but the majority of me was...bothered by it. I didn't like the feeling of positivity.

I knew that was the corruption talking, but I couldn't quite ignore it.

Please go away...don't notice me up here... I thought, extremely worried.

The kids stopped giggling as Austin spoke again. "Let's go back to Mom. She did say not to run too far."

"You're no fun." The second oldest said. She then grinned with mischievousness. "Or do you believe the rumors of scary monsters in the woods?"

Oh great. That's just what I need to hear. I grumbled internally.

"N-No! I'm not scared of anything!" Austin exclaimed.

That was a blatant lie, both from the stuttering and the vague sense of fear I was getting from him.

"Yeah, right! You already sound scared!" The little girl accused.

"I am not! I-I would beat up any scary monsters!"

I couldn't stop the dark chuckle that escaped my lips, making the children freeze. "D-D-Did you...laugh?" Austin asked quietly, looking to the girls.

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