◇ Chapter 1 : A New World ◇

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Eji was scared. Actually, terrified. He was normally the calm and composed person of the group. However, once they arrived in this new city, his heart was racing because of the panic that submerged him. He wasn't used to new places, that's why he often did not go on trips. Which also explains his lack of knowledge about other countries or any popular cities.
Eji took a deep breath and calmed down :
" Hey dude, are you feeling okay ? " asked Kaido.

" Yeah, no worries. Just a little shaken up, " he responded while letting out a small laugh.

" If you say so, " said Kaido.

As the big sister of the group, Suza didn't believe Eji one bit because the boy had a tendency to bottle up his feelings and keep them to himself. So, she strolled up to him and gave him a hug to reassure him. Eji returned it, and they were soon joined by Kaido. They didn't say anything as they wanted to keep the comfortable silence going, feeling no need to express themselves.

♤ While they were engrossed in their hug, Eji thought of something :
" Hum, guys... shouldn't we be worried by the fact that we are in an unknown city, that we have nowhere to live and that we have no money nor any food or supplies ? " remarqued Eji.

" Right...sighted Suza. We're basically homeless, " she stated.

" Well, we could ask for help, "said Kaido.

" I don't know for you, but these people are weird-looking. I don't really want to approach them... " spoke Eji.

Kaido and Suza turned around and then froze. These people really were weird-looking ! Some of them were mutated : long noses, cat ears, eyes falling of their eyepockets... Wait, stop ! That was so gross to see for our poor trio...
Anyway, this wasn't normal for them. These people did not look human. Even those who weren't mutated seemed weird ; their hands looked bigger, hell even a little kid had longer fingers than them ! Suza gazed at the sky and saw some kind of bird with a human body and red wings. Probably one of those strange beings, she pondered. That creature dived down to their level :

" Hello ! I am Pro Hero Hawks and noticed that you seemed new to the city ! Are you lost ? Where are your parents ?" he interrogated.

Pro Hero Hawks ? From BNHA ? That's impossible ! she thought.

" Hawks ? As in from- " Kaido was brutally cut off by Eji's hand, who nervously smiled at the man.

" Sorry, sir, he tends to say nonsense sometimes. What he meant was that you are the N°2 Pro Hero, " he blurted out.

" Okay, well, do you have a place to stay ? " he asked.

" No sir, we are alone, " he responded.

Ah, I see, so they travelled alone ? Hm, although they are children, it's still suspicious to go somewhere without at least having a place to stay. I live in an apartment with only one room so that won't work... I have an idea ! Hawks thought.

" Well, I can only think of one solution. You three shall live in UA ! " he exclaimed.


" Well, in their world, yeah, " Kaido muttered to himself.

" Excuse me, sir, " Suza intersected. " Will we have to participate in the hero lessons ? "

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