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                  Jayson's POV

"He wants to do what?!" Cleo asked as she finished brushing her teeth

"I told him I'd ask around first"

"What did Riah say?" She asked

"After a long interrogation...She said she's cool with it" I nodded

"And you're okay with it?" She asked

"Yup" I nodded

"I don't mind but wouldn't that be confusing for him?"

"I thought so too at first but Ri said that it wouldn't..then she went on and on about how the only difference is that she gave birth to him and a bunch of other shit" I rambled

Cleo still looked unsure

"We haven't even been together that long" she said as she looked at herself in the mirror

"Well I don't plan on goin anywhere..do you?" I asked

"Nope" she smirked as she turned to face me

"So what's th-"

"Okay, everybody's on board. Let's do it" she shrugged

I called Deuce into the bedroom and he came running in

"Remember what you asked me?"

He nodded

"She said yes"

I watched as his eyes lit up and he ran over to Cleo who was sitting on the edge of the bed and started placing kisses all over her face

"Can I help you make breakfast today?" He asked as he sat in her lap

"Actually your dad is making breakfast today because I have a meeting in 5 minutes BUT you can help me make lunch later" she smiled

"Okay!" He said as he hopped up and ran over to me

I went from his best friend to his backup option

"Let me know how everything goes" I said as Cleo stood up

"Pray for me" she sighed before walking out of the room

She had a FaceTime meeting with her mother and I was nervous for her

She was sitting on my lap in the living room when her mom called 2 days ago basically begging to talk to her

Cleo gave her an ultimatum saying she'd only talk to her if she agreed to actually tell the truth

Her mother agreed because she claimed she wants to be a part of her life

When the conversation was over she asked me what I thought she should do.

on one hand Im big on family so I wanted her to talk it out and see how her and her mother could fix whatever was goin on between them but on the other hand I love her and I don't want her around anything or anyone that would fuck up her mental so it was a hard call

I told her to at least see where the conversation went and if she decided that it wasn't going anywhere then she should go back to not speaking to her mom

Today was that day

"Come on, you can boss me around in the kitchen" I said to Deuce

He smiled and happily followed me to the kitchen

Surprisingly I've gotten the hang of  making breakfast just like Cleo and I'm so used to eating Cleo's version of food that when we eat breakfast anywhere else the food taste funny to me

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