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Cleo's POV

"I really appreciate you helping me" I said as Fyn wrestled the balloons to get them into the trunk of her car

"No problem, you know I love to party" she smiled as she finally got the trunk closed

I texted Jaylen to ask how the day was going and he said everything was going according to plan

I had 2 more hours to pull this off

Today was Jayson's birthday, my baby is officially 26 and there's only one right thing to do which is celebrate

I knew I couldn't pull everything off by myself so I had to call in the top dogs.

Jaylen and Deuce were in charge of keeping Jay occupied; once Jay was tired of hanging out with Jaylen then Deuce would step in because we all know that nobody says no to playtime with Deuce.

Riah and Brandy's job was to pick up all the presents I ordered; I could've got them delivered but then he'd see them and ya know that defeats the purpose of....you get it

Fyn's job was to help me get the finishing touches for the decorations and Grace's job was to pick up the cake

Yes Grace...I know what you're thinking but after being told the whole truth I called her

I didn't tell her anything that I found out I just asked her for help and told her that she was invited along with her boyfriend

Knowing that we weren't half siblings at all really gave me a different outlook on her

When we used to hang out we always knew that there had to be something goin on between us

We look alike, we have the same last name, and our birthdays were only 2 months and 3 days apart

We tried doing the math but nothing made sense

Knowing now that my mother was the other woman made the pieces fit together

As much as I wanted to tell her the news I knew that She had 2 other siblings and it would probably crush her to know that she wasn't related to them in any way

I wasn't into the idea of ruining her life so I kept my mouth shut plus today wasn't about me or her..it's about Jayson


"Jaylen said they're pulling up right now, everybody get in your places!" I yelled

I watched as everybody crowded around the large balloon arch and waited for the door to swing open

"I really don't understand why we all the way out her-" Jayson complained as they he walked in

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everybody yelled cutting his complaint short

"Oh shit!" He jumped as he looked around at everybody

One by one he made his rounds giving out hugs to people and thanking them

Once his eyes met mine it was over

"You did this, I know you did" he smiled as he hugged me

"I can't take all the credit, everybody pitched in" I smiled as he let me go

"Thank you baby" he said before giving me a kiss

There was a large cake in the shape of his signature shoe, a large gold and black ballon arch, a neon "JT26" sign, all the TV screens had his logo on them, and there was even an ice sculpture with his initials that's said "happy birthday"

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