Silenced Laughter, Rising Voices

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In the shadow of ancient walls,

Where echoes of sorrow linger,

The earth weeps silently,

Bearing witness to hearts grown heavy.

A painted sky stained with crimson,

Reflecting the anguish below,

Tales of loss whispered by the wind,

An unbroken cycle of woe.

Children's laughter silenced,

Dreams shattered in the night,

Innocence ripped from innocence,

Darkness obscures the light.

A land torn asunder, yet resilient,

Spirits refusing to yield,

Amidst the rubble and chaos,

Hope stands as an unyielding shield.

In the midst of pain and despair,

Voices rise in defiance and song,

Standing united, hearts intertwined,

For peace and justice, they long.

May the world awaken to their plight,

And extend hands of solidarity,

In the face of cruelty and injustice,

May love be our guiding clarity.

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