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In the hazy recollections of childhood,

There's a void, a silence where a father should be.

A shadow, distant and absent,

Lost in the echoes of a fractured family.

800 miles stretched between us,

A chasm of separation, widening with each passing day.

No calls, no visits, no child support,

Just the weight of absence, heavy on my young shoulders.

Even when he was near, he remained elusive,

A ghost in the periphery, never fully present.

His parents, mere miles away, welcomed his visits,

Yet his steps never found their way to my door.

I grew up with questions unanswered,

Heartache simmering beneath a facade of indifference.

Years passed, seasons changed,

But the wounds remained, festering in the depths of my soul.

Then, like a specter emerging from the mist,

He reappeared, a stranger masquerading as kin.

Words of reconciliation fell from his lips,

But forgiveness eluded me, buried beneath layers of resentment.

For how can I embrace the father who abandoned me,

Who chose silence over love, distance over connection?

The scars may fade, but the memories linger,

A testament to the absence that shaped me.

So I stand, steadfast in my resolve,

Guarding my heart against false promises.

For some wounds never truly heal,

And the ties that bind can be broken beyond repair.

Whispers of the Soul: Verses From WithinWhere stories live. Discover now