Brothers talk

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Danny was smiling sheepishly at his brother but on the inside he was trembling with fear i mean who wouldn't.

Damian had thought that Danny died on a mission years ago but now he was infront of him with weird powers and on top of that he was summoned by Constantine  WHEN CONSTANTINE WAS TRYING TO SUMMONED A GHOST!!!!!!

Damian gesture his brother to sit on the other side of the bed which Danny oblige. Both of them were silent for a few minutes until the silent was broken by Danny"You look cool in that robin outfit Ahki" and all that Danny get was a "hmmm"  from his older brother

"Where were you all this years Danny, mother told everyone in the league that you died" Damian spoke softly to his younger brother. Even though the question was simple it was fill with emotions

"I didn't died Anki mother lied to you" Danny took a deep breath and in a trembling voice he said " Mother did tried to dispose me though, remember when we were seven and mother took me to a mission with her to invest the Lazarus pits in Antartica" Damian just nodd his head

"Since it was nightime and it was  winter season so I asked mother if we could see the aurora borealis and suprising she said yes, I was so excited and was jumping up and down like a little child  but......when I let my guard down she took her sword and stab me   in the chest three inches close to my heart" at this point tears was starting to gather in his eyes. Damian have never seen his brother so weak so he did the only thing that came to his mind he hug his twin and in didn't take long for Danny to hug his brother back

"Shhh Calm down mother is not here anymore,you are with me in the manor " Damian spoke softly in his twin ear and was rocking his body back and forth in attempt to calm Danny down. Surprisingly it works "Let's sleep now, the question can wait for tomorrow" Danny slowly nodded his head and lay down of his brother bed.

Damian follow Danny actions and quickly turned off the lights and lay down in his bed. He heard soft snoring to his side and found his little brother fast a sleep 'he looks so peaceful when he sleeps, l promise  I will protect you this time no matter what whether it is grandfather or mother i will protect you this time no matter what i promise'

With that vow in mind Damian fell asleep quickly without thinking how in the hell would he introduced his brother to his family well it is for future Damian to find out

A/N : I know it's short but please bear with me. I'm not a full time author only a part time author and that also not regular

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