Baby D first shopping with his brothers

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After the two ex assassins left the room Dick turn to Bruce with a big grin on his face "hey B can I take Danyal for shopping since you know he just appear and he does not have any clothes yet"

Bruce just nodded his head. Dick turn his attention to his siblings "Who want to go shopping with the Ds"

"Sorry golden boy me and Cass has to go to Singapore tonight so we have to pack today but wait until 2 weeks maybe then" Steph told Dick while Cass just nodded her head

"I also have things to do Dick maybe next time " Duke don't have any reason but he just doesn't want to be a part of a blood show I mean who would two ex assassins that also blood brothers nah not him he will past

"Fine but Timbo also have to come" In reality Jason just want to figure out why the pit was calm when the kid is around as for Tim he want to argue but unfortunately for him no one paid attention to him so he let it slide for now plus what could go wrong right?

"Okay then let's go and get Danyal and Damian "

With that the three said their goodbyes to Bruce and went to find the two ex assassins

Meanwhile :-

Damian had snatch Danny from Alfred after Alfred said that he can prepare the room himself and Danny had found himself fight his older brother

When Danny asked why were they sparing , Damian replied was " I want to see if you have been training all those years properly"

And now back to the present where both the ex assassins were panting and sweating and were sitting after a harsh fun spar between brothers

"look like you have not been training properly Danny"

"What do you mean 'not training properly ' you didn't win"

"So did you"

"Anki I swear-" Danny sentence was cut off because he felt that Jason and two other person were coming to there direction "Hey Anki I think we should get a shower now because I don't want to smell like shit after this"

Damian nodded his head when suddenly Dick, Jason and Tim came into the room

"There you are baby D" Dick said to his youngest brother with a wide smile plaster on his face as he came near both the Ds and ruffled their hairs

"Have you both been training cause the room look like there was a war here" Tim could not help but ask Indeed the room was a bit messy some of Damian katana were laying on the floor and both the boys cloth were a bit wet with sweat

"Yeah" Danyal said "by the way why were you guys looking for us" "To take you for shopping ofcourse"

Danny raised his eyebrow "shopping? But I have Ahki clothes they will fit me"

"I don't think it is wise to fight with Dickiebird here ghosty and besides you are can't share his clothes"

"Grayson and Todd are correct Danyal" Damian get up from where he have been sitting and started walking away "go take a shower we are going"

Danny stood up annoying and drag himself up , past his brothers and went to take a good hot bath while the three bats were in the training room

"Come on guys let's wait for them outside"

And with that they were going for an adventurer with their youngest brother which will probably end up bad but who knows maybe it might end up good

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