Chapter 7

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Seoul, South Korea
1st December

What do you mean, mom? I cant just come right now. I'm telling you that.. that I can come next month but not now! Mom please try to understand.. I just cant leave my University, my tutor students and my part time job shifts! I can go back next month, like in the middle of January but it is impossible now! I'm literally giving a exam and everything depends on it. Please, mom.. let me succeed in my dream first! - Jennie spoke to her mother on the phone. Her mother called her early in the morning, in the weekends just to tell her that she needs to go back home. She didn't say the exact reason even after Jennie asked for million times. All that she said is that she needs to come and its really important.

No, mom! Ugh.. please!! - Jennie jumped over her bed in annoyance, as she cried out, she was really offended and upset. She didn't want to go back now, just to end up ruining her future and her dream.

Okay, fine then. I'll come but only once I'm free and done with all my works here. And it wont be before January. Okay? And by the way, what do you mean, mom?! Are you out of your mind? Cause gosh I cant check out of my apartment already! What if I need to come back again? No.. I cant.. I cant do that-

Oh, fine! As your wish. I'll leave the apartment, check out, finish my tutoring session with the students, get out of my part-time jobs and that will be possible next month only! But dont worry, I'll be there. I hope you dont think that I'll break my promise.

But mom, I dont really know what's so important that I have to go back home right now. Like why? Who is behind this nonsense plan of yours, mom? Tell me. Please!

God, okay!! I wont ask a thing. Now bye! - Jennie hung up the call and threw her phone to the small sofa in front of the bed and hid her face in the pillow.

She was so sad now. How can she leave everything? Her future depends on the current activities she's been doing in her University and class. She already lost her hope a couple of months ago but she still tried, she didn't give up and gave all hers just to succeed in it. Her biggest influence in this was her mother and yet she is trying to ruin it now, by calling her back home and telling her to leave everything. What did she exactly want?! Did she want her to end up being a vain, useless and ignorant person who has no future and no good dreams?

Well, she knew it. Her gut was right! Something bad was actually supposed to happened and it was already written as her future, actually she doesn't have one. She felt so stupid, why did she hide her feelings from her family? She should've told them. She could've at least told this to her cousin, Irene, who wanted to hear it so bad. Or her sister, Jisoo, she also wanted to know. Maybe this wouldn't have happened if she told them.

She understand now. This was being planned, by god, her parents, her family and the rest of the others who she is the most close with. They have acted weird as well, which was suspicious but Jennie didn't notice it much.

It was like a mystery for her know. She needs to know what the exact reason is and what actually bothers her mom, that she wanted her to go back and leave all her dreams. It was something, or someone, that bothers her mother. It is whether a person or a single thing and whatever it is, it's nonsense and stupid.

If all the hidden pieces of information matches, she would find who's behind it all and what it actually is. But she was sure of something, that it was a person. And that the planning was being targeted to her.

Everything suffocated her, every single thought that entered her mind. She was so mad at herself. She should've told them and this wouldn't have happened! But she wasn't sure though, what if it didn't work and everything repeated itself? Oh god.. someone help her! She is dying from frustration. She can't take it anymore. A unknown feeling always tingled in her and she didn't know what it was. What was that? Is that a signal from god? If it is, is it a good one or bad one? She doesn't know, but something told her that it was something good, it was something that would keep her safe and secured. Should she follow that signal to where it leads? Is the navigation taking her to somewhere she would be always happy in and it will fulfill whatever she asked for?

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