Chapter 9

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Seoul, South Korea
31st December.

It was the last day at the apartment. Jennie was preparing to go back. She have been outside almost the whole day. She went to the coffee shop to tell that she is working here for the last day and told them to give her the last paycheck. She also went to tutor a few students after coming back and took her money.

As she fixed everything up to go back, the last thing she had to do was check out of the apartment and she would do that before leaving the place completely.

She told her parents about it too and they were really happy and excited to see her again since they missed her a lot.

It wasn't even two months yet like how she was supposed to stay here but when her mother told her to go back, she knew she had to. And she couldn't cancel it now since she already took her final decision, which was following her heart, do what her mother says and dont deny it.

Something good would happen at the end, it will obviously do.

Jennie was currently packing up her things in her suitcase and bags. She had to carry a lot of things now since she is leaving the place, completely.

She had to carry a suitcase for her clothes, bagpack for textbooks, study essentials, stationary, computer and other work things, handbag to carry her important things like: phone, cash, makeup, earpods, hair ties (incase she needs to tie her hair), tissues, emergency kit that she brings whenever she goes outside, and some other things.

There were cardboard boxes which she brought to carry her extra books, furniture and items that didn't fit in her suitcases.

Jennie packed up her vanity case and put it inside her suitcase. She shifted to the travel tote bag and put her things in it.

She was almost done with the packing, just a few things were left. When her friends heard about it, they advised that she could hire a worker to move her things but she said no cause she has a lot of things that should be kept personal than letting people see it. Plus, she wasn't gonna change her house, she was gonna go back home. She will pack her things neatly, then hire a car to ride back home, and the chauffeur will put the things inside the car and take it out. It wasn't that hard! And she barely have to work except packing things.

The phone vibrated and a notification ringed. Jennie huffed and picked up the phone, it was a text message from Sana! Jennie jumped in happiness. Sana finally found her number and texted her!

She read the message from Sana

Sana 💗

Hey, Jennie!

I hope you're doing
well :)

I know I disappeared
from your vision,
and it was because
I had to return back
to Japan. I'm really really
sorry that I didn't tell you
guys about it.

I was called from Japan
and I had to fly there right after I got the news.
Which I cant tell you,
sorry :(
I got really busy. I even tried
to contact you and tell you
about it but I lost
all of your numbers because
my phone got damaged.

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